Last week at Fort Hood, Texas we had our FIRST TERRORIST act on USA soil since 9/11. It was an act of TERRORISM, moreover an act of MUSLIM, ISLAMIC, TERRORISM. However, our "President" seems to not be able to see that.
Also, many liberal news organizations like MSNBC and their goofball commentators like Chris "softball" Matthews even made the horrific statement, "It's not a crime to call Al Qaeda, right". What a DOOFUS. I wonder if Chris Matthews remembers 9/11. If he's foggy on that, I'm sure he doesn't recall the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, the bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and the bombing of the USS Cole.
Al Qaeda is responsible for those acts of terror.
Matthews seems clueless.
Getting back to Obama, you are the President of the USA. It is your job to keep us safe first and foremost.
We all now know that Hassan contacted Al Qaeda.
Hasan also was in contact with the former Imam of a mosque in Falls Church, Virginia, who now operates out of Yemen. Anwar al Awlaki, an American, runs an English language website that advocates worldwide jihad, and overnight called Major Hasan a hero and a man of conscience who did the right thing. Awlaki left for Yemen after he come under investigation by the FBI for his ties to two of the 9/11 hijackers.
Hassan also vigorously advocated for Muslims that were in the US armed forces to "opt out" of fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.
We know now that right before Hassan killed 12 people and wounded 40 others, he yelled "Allahu Akbar", which is what Islamic terrorists yell before they kill innocent "non-believers", i.e. Christians, Jews, Hindus, and any other religion. Hassan was also wearing full Muslim garb as he killed the non-believers.
In an Internet posting earlier this year, Nadal Hasan compared suicide bombers to G.I.’s who saved their colleagues by throwing themselves on a grenade.
It is clear why the liberal news organizations have down-played Hassan's OBVIOUS MUSLIM connection to his killing. It is because Obama is "their guy" and they can't report the truth, which is that Obama failed to protect us from Muslim Extremism. He is even too scared to call it, "Muslim Terrorism". One has to wonder why? Is Obama secretly a Muslim? We all know he went to an Islamic school while living in Indonesia. He "says' he is a Christian. But he had to in order to get elected in this mainly Christian country.
Obama, and former President Bush need to be criticized for allowing Muslims to serve in the US armed forces AND for continuing to allow Muslims to immigrate into this country. Right after 9/11 we should have not allowed either of those two things.
This was an act of MUSLIM Terrorism. No Less. President Obama is a weak and gutless President when he can't call what Hassan did as Muslim Terrorism.
Shame on you again President Obama.