Here are my Political views:
I am Pro-Life (which a few exceptions, Life of the mother, Rape, Incest)
I am Pro-Traditional Marriage
I am NOT for Universal Healthcare, however many reforms need to happen. All pre-existing conditions should be covered. People who don't get healthcare though their job should get a $5000/per person (up to $10,000 max for family) tax credit. Businesses should be encouraged to provide health insurance for their employees though Business tax credits. People should be able to buy health insurance across state lines. If a person cannot get health insurance then Medicare should cover them.
I am Pro-Gun
I am against all Hate crime laws (these laws try to punish people based on their thoughts when I believe you should only be punished for your actions)
I am for higher taxes on the rich (that income over 300,000 should be taxed higher and over 1 million should be taxed even higher)
I am for Lower taxes on the middle class (especially incomes under 150K) and NO federal taxes on income under 50K.
I am for Higher Tariffs on All imports (especially imports from communist countries like China).
I am for a freeze on all 4yr. college tuition and fees for at least the next 5yrs. After that, college tuition should only be allowed to increase at the current rate of inflation.
I am for heavy penalties on companies that close factories in the USA and move them to foreign countries.
I am for Tax breaks/credits for all companies that manufacture their goods and keep their labor here in the USA.
I am for drilling for new oil in all 50 states, plus coal and natural gas, building new Nuclear power plants in the USA, and any other energy production that will help the USA become independent of middle east oil. I am also for giving huge tax breaks/credits for the companies that do this (all in an effort for us to be energy independent from the middle east) .
I do not believe in "man-made global warming" or "man-made climate change".
I am for School Choice (giving each family $5000/yr per child to go for schooling of that family's personal choice, whether public, private or home schooling).
I am for teaching creationism along side evolution in public schools.
I am for increasing the child tax credit to $5000/yr per child (up from the current $1000/yr) for children 18 and under.
I am for increasing the salary of all military personnel to a minimum of 80K for the first year and a 10K increase each year after that for the 1rst 4yrs of military service. Also, any military individual that is "at war", like our current soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, should be paid 250K/yr while they are "at war". I am also for All Veterans to get a one time housing voucher to be used to buy any home up to 200K.
I am for the current "Don't ask, Don't tell policy".
I am for getting rid of the Patriot Act
I am for getting out of NAFTA (as it has been a miserable failure)
I am for making all drugs like Marijuana, Steroids, Pain killers, legal and over-the-counter at drug stores (as long as you are 21yrs old).
I am for getting rid of truth-in-sentencing and mandatory sentencing laws (let Judges Judge!).
I am for only sending to prison Violent criminals and devising a different set of punishing laws on non-violent offenders (i.e. garnishing wages to be paid directly back to the victim, civil service, making the non-violent offenders use their talents to Help society.)
I am for paying stay-at-home parents (this would really help the family; what I would do is have the government pay stay-at-home-parents between 10K-30K/yr depending on how many kids they have).
I am for total free speech and free religious speech at any public facility.
I am for any church being able to openly endorse any political candidate they want without the IRS threatening them.
I am for getting rid of the cap on taxing social security income (right now only income up to about 97K gets taxed with social security taxes; this cap should be taken away and all income no matter what level should have to pay the ssi tax).
Property taxes should be based on your income not the value of the property and the first 50K in income should be exempt from property taxes and the most anyone should have to pay for property taxes is 1%/yr on income over the first 50K.
Senior citizens, 65 and older, who make less than 100K/yr should be exempt from ALL property taxes.
All gambling should be Legal (online, or land or water based).
I am for building a Wall on Mexico's border to keep out Illegal immigrants ASAP.
I am for cracking down on businesses that hire illegal immigrants (punish with big dollar fines not deportation).
I am for only going to war as a last resort when we have been directly attacked by a foreign nation.
I have no problem trying to track down and kill Osama bin Laden and all terrorists.
These are my views. If these views went into effect, the world would be a better place
These views are very hard to fit into any one political party. These are the views of a conservative populist.
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