Karate for Kids

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Mark Kirk is a TRAITOR!

Mark Kirk tells China "Do not trust the USA".  He is a TRAITOR.  He should NEVER be elected as an Illinois Senator.  Watch this.

Mark KIRK is Liar.  He voted for CAP AND TRADE which would mean MILLIONS of JOBS in the Oil, Gas, Coal, Energy industry GONE.  Kirk gets F rating from NRA,is PRO ABORTION, and uses fear mongering stereotypes!  Kirk is Pro Gay, Anti-Family and Anti-Religious Freedoms.   Kirk is proud of  his costly expansion of "war on terror", and badmouthing the US to Chinese to tarnish US economic credibility. He's a traitor and liar, phony finger pointing RINO!  He LIES about being for low taxes, balanced budgets and responsibility!  Kirk voted himself a FAT PAY RAISE WHILE being AGAINST increasing the Minimum Wage for the Poorest of workers.   Kirk has been the CHAMPION on Outsourcing Jobs to low wage countries likie China.  As far as he is concerned, if it can be made in China then let it be made there.  He CARES NOTHING ABOUT USA JOBS.  PERIOD.  Watch this as well.

Illinois Voters. This Nov. 2nd.  Do NOT vote for Mark Kirk. 


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Speech Against Gays IS Protected under 1rst Amendment.

Last week, quite a ruckus arose when a School Board member in Arkansas said some things on his Facebook page that were considered hateful, by some, MAINLY LIBERAL people in the Media, like Anderson Cooper.  On CNN, Anderson Cooper pretty much used most of his program to make a point about this man.  He called him a bully, a hater of Gays, shameful, blah blah blah.  Anderson Cooper then was shocked to learn that this man could not be fired, but had to be removed by the people of the State, who ELECTED him.  Cooper called for this man to resign, as "He cannot be allowed to continue to teach our kids with these kinds of thoughts".  That is pretty much what Cooper and MOST FASCIST LIBERALS think.

You see, a Fascist Liberal (i.e., Cooper, Pelosi, Obama, Reid, Biden, etc..) think that this kind of speech should be classified as "Hate Speech" and therefore this man MUST PAY, somehow, someway.

Now I do not think that his speech about being glad that Gays die because of Aids is right.  It is unloving and unkind, BUT IT IS ALLOWED UNDER THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!!!
You may not like the speech, but it is this Freedom of Speech, the MOST important (i.e. 1rst amendment) in our Constitution.
But Fascist Liberals want you to PAY for your "Hate Speech".  They want you to either be fired, pay a hefty fine, or go to jail.  They really want to send you to jail.

Since when did your own personal CHOICE of choosing a perverted lifestyle become the sacred cow that we can't talk against for fear of retribution?  A person who CHOOSES a perverted lifestyle should not have special rights.  On daytime TV, Christians, Hillbillies, Fat people, Short people, are regularly made fun of and its laughed at as being OK.  BUT GOD FORBID YOU LAUGH AT A GAY PERSON.  Then it's off to the gallows for you (if Fascist Liberals have their way).

This is the like the movie/book 1984.  You remember that book right?  The book is about the Government punishing you for your THOUGHTS, if they did not agree with theirs.


It is these Fascist Liberals that we the people need to throw out of office this Nov. 2nd.
This is MOST important so that we can continue to practice our Freedom of Speech.

If too many Fascist Liberals get into Congress and then, even worse into the Supreme Court, you can say hello to the thought police and goodbye to Freedom of Speech.


Saturday, October 23, 2010


Here is what the Crazy Eco-Terrorists/Green/Environmentalists REALLY think of you who disagree with the Global warming propaganda.
WARNING:  This is NOT for kids.

Discrimination against Short Men.

I was at work yesterday and some of the Nurses were laughing about a "short man" that was one of their patients.  I got so MAD.  I am about average height at 5'11 or so.  But I think that it is soooo wrong to discriminate against someone because they are short.  People who have already grown up (i.e. > 21yrs old) cannot join a class or take a pill or get a surgery to increase their height.  They are stuck at that particular height.  There is nothing they can do.

I will compare making fun of a short person, the equivalent of making fun of someone because they are black, or Asian, or white.  That person cannot change who they are. 

Short men are discriminated against MOST of all.  Women are expected to be short.  A short Women can date a Tall Man.  However, a Short Man finds it almost impossible to date taller Women.  They are looked down upon and made fun of all the time.  Even short women make fun of short men.  It is seen as OK in our society.  Well I think it is WRONG.  In fact, I think short men should be considered a minority and given the same special civil rights as other minorities in our country, (i.e. blacks, Hispanics, American Indians).
They cannot "get taller" anymore.  No matter how much money they spend, it is impossible for a Man 5'2 to pay $$ to become 6'0 tall.  Maybe, sometime in the future a "Tall pill or Surgery" will be invented.  That person who does discover the Tall pill or procedure to increase height in adults will become an instant BILLIONAIRE for sure.

So I make this plea to adults around the USA to STOP the mean, hateful, discriminating remarks towards Short Men.  Just stop and put yourselves in their position.  It is just as bad as calling a black person a n......ger.   Stop now.
