Karate for Kids

Thursday, May 15, 2008

California Strikes Again-Supreme Court says Forget the Voters-Gay Marriage the Law.

By one vote, the California Supreme Court today rejected the expressed will of Californians to limit marriage to a man and a woman.
In 2000, a 61.4 percent majority of Californians passed Proposition 22, which limited marriage to a man and a woman and precluded California’s recognition of same-sex “marriages” consummated elsewhere. In a decision derided by a dissenting California justice as “legal jujitsu,” the Supreme Court majority held that the ban on same-sex marriage is an infringement of the fundamental state constitutional right to marry.

California is now the second state after Massachusetts where homosexuals will be allowed to “marry.” But unlike Massachusetts, California has no law that prohibits homosexual couples living in states that don’t recognize same-sex “marriage” from marrying in the Golden State.

The California Supreme Court has opened the door to a legal battle royal across the nation. Homosexual couples will flock to California to marry, return to their home states, and file lawsuits to force the recognition of their Land of Fruits and Nuts marriages—and the destruction of the 1996 federal Defense of Marriage Act [DOMA].

California’s highest court has just invalidated California’s Proposition 22, creating a legal “fundamental” right to homosexual so-called “marriage” out of thin air, under the guise of equal protection.

The California Supreme Court is only supposed to Interpret the Law, but in this case they decided to Make the Law OVER the will of the Majority of California Voters.

And California's weak Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, stated that he will not push for an amendment to California's Constitution to say that Marriage is between a Man and a Woman.

To ensure that marriage is protected and the voice of the people is heard, a constitutional marriage amendment must be placed on the November ballot in California, and national efforts need to be made to generate a federal constitutional marriage amendment. The decision must be removed from the hands of judicial activists and returned to the rightful hands of the people

“So-called ‘same-sex’ marriage is counterfeit marriage. Marriage is, and has always been, between a man and a woman. We know that it’s in the best interest of children to be raised with a mother and a father. To use children as guinea pigs in radical San Francisco-style social experimentation is deplorable.

“The majority of Americans recognize the fact that legitimate marriage and family are cornerstones of a healthy society. Reasonable people have had enough and are refusing to allow radical extremists to redefine marriage and family into oblivion. So-called ‘same-sex marriage’ is a ridiculous and oxymoronic notion that has been forced into popular lexicon by homosexual activists and their extremist left-wing allies.

“If people who engage in homosexual behavior want to dress up and play house, that’s their prerogative, but we should not destroy the institutions of legitimate marriage and family in order to help facilitate a counterfeit.

Some may ask, "Why do you care if 2 gay people marry"?
The reason is because it (homosexuality) is morally wrong. God burned Sodom to the ground for its crazy acts of homosexual perversion. Don't think God can't punish America for its stamp of approval of the homosexual lifestyle. I for one, want to be on God's side. I want his blessings. How can we as a Nation expect God to bless us when we pervert Marriage?

The Gay Mafia strikes again. More perversion. More Sin.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to shield your kids from this perversion.

This is one of the BIG reasons that I home school. The Public Grade/Middle/High Schools have been taken over by the Gay Mafia too.

On my next blog, I will show you how the Gay Mafia has "taken over" our Colleges too. I have a specific example of how an employee said the "wrong thing" and was fired.

Understand, according to the Gay Mafia, there is no such thing as free speech if the speech is against a homosexual. The Gay Mafia wants you fired, imprisoned, fined for speaking out against their perverted lifestyle. Make no mistake about it.



Anonymous said...

What an idiot....Sodom and Gommorah, indeed. It is interesting to me, as a gay American in a very loving, caring, and steady relationship with another gay person to watch all of the marriages of my straight freinds and acquantances collapsing and how those "sanctified" relationships have such a great impact on their children. I would think that anything that could add help add stability and permenance to a relationship would be favorable to a society.

Jimbo said...

Of course God hates heterosexual divorce too. That is horrible for the children involved. Basically, most divorces are because people in todays society have become incredibly selfish. It is all about what "I" want.

We need to obey God's Word. The Husband is to Love his Wife as Christ loved the Church and the Wife is to respect and submit to her Husband.
If only people would just obey God's word about Marriage and then families would not be torn apart.

However, Jason, your reasoning that because heterosexuals are messing up marriages, therefore, let's have Gay marriage to "solve" the problem of divorce is laughable to say the least.
Statistics show that Gays are WAY more promiscuous and unfaithful than heterosexuals that follow God's Word.
The ancient Greek and Roman empires collapsed because of Homosexuality.
Make no mistake about it. God loves you Jason but HATES your Sin of Practicing Homosexuality.
The Good news is that God Loves you so much that He gave His only Son, Jesus, to come to this Earth, die on a cross for YOUR and MY sin. He rose again 3 days later and is Alive Forever more and the Bible says that Anyone who calls on the Name of the Lord Jesus will be Saved. That means you Jason. You Need a Savior. Only Jesus can save you completely from ALL your Sin, Past, Present, and Future Sins. Call on Him NOW as your Savior before it is too late.

Anonymous said...

When anthropologists find an isolated tribe they tiptoe as not to cause drastic disruptions. But when it comes to our own society we make drastic changes experting good results. Which of course is possible.

However, I am old enough to remember when easy divorce was supposed to make people get along better,but the latest opinion that children who travel back and forth between parents and are expected to be different people in each home have it rougher than if the parents had a angry divorce.

Anyway what really upsets me is those who claim that homophones belong in prison, or that alleged homophobia is an aggravating reason for a person not to get parole or probation.

Such as at this sight

I'm from Philadelphia and it gets on my nerves the way the Move back to nature sect is condemned for claiming that mother nature wants us to get married an have children.

Especially see at the end of my first comment "The following is a touchy matter . . .

