Karate for Kids

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Chicago White Sox win A.L. Central!!!

From time to time I blog about something other than politics.

Now is that time again.

My beloved Chicago White Sox defeat the Minnesota Twins tonight, winning the A.L. Central.

I am so excited because this is the first year since I have been alive that both the White Sox and the Cubs are in the playoffs.

Go Sox!

Now on Thursday, they play the Tampa Bay Rays.

Good thing its during the daytime so I won't miss the VP debate.

Here are some pictures from tonight.


Monday, September 29, 2008

Shocking Video shows Democrats in their own words Covering up Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

Over and over again, since the collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, democrats in Congress and Obama himself have been calling for "more oversight" and "more regulation".

The Democrats keep claiming that McCain and the Republicans were for deregulation of the Financial Services arena and that "they" (the democrats) will be the ones to fix the problem.

Obama calls McCain "too risky" because of deregulation.

However, as this Shocking new Video shows; its the Democrats that were covering up Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Franklin Raines, the guy in charge of Fannie Mae (and Obama's good buddy) "cooked the books" in order to give himself and others on Fannie Mae's board BIG FAT BONUSES.

Democrats, KNOWING this, continue OVER and OVER again try to cover up Fannie Mae.

Utterly Shameful!

Watch the Video:

Utterly Shameful of Democrats and Barack Obama.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

If Obama becomes President, expect more Sodomy like this!

Consider this; all of you undecided voters out there.

Barack Obama has said that he would be "the gays best advocate" once being elected President.

Obama is Strongly supported by ALL gay groups across the country.

Today, in San Fransisco, the Folsom Street Fair (an annual event) is upon us.

Caution: These photos are only for adults:

I am warning you first.

At the Folsom St. Fair, public nudity and sexual deviance is the NORM.

Any attempts to speak out against this perversion means jail time for you.

Here is what goes on in PUBLIC in BROAD DAYLIGHT in San Fransicko.

• Rampant public nudity including men walking the streets in nothing but their socks and sneakers;

• Public street orgies in which men engage in heinous sex acts – as depicted on these enlarged photos [blow-ups of AFTAH web photos like those HERE and HERE] — as thousands of fairgoers walk by;

• Public sadistic whippings, acts of “consensual” degradation including men urinating on one another – for pleasure — and “master-and-slave” partners or perverse arrangements in which one partner plays the role of an animal, led around on a dog-collar by his “master”;

• Blatant anti-Christian bigotry – e.g., the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” — transvestite mock “nuns” who work closely with Folsom; and religious-themed “sex toys” sold by vendors;

• Public health hazards: Folsom promotes local gay sex clubs like “Blow Buddies” and Steamworks, a Berkeley bathhouse where men go for anonymous sexual encounters with other men (including condomless, “barebacking” anal sex) that spread diseases;

• Police blame their inaction amidst all the illegal, debauched acts on politicians who tell them not to intervene or enforce the law. At the same time, the SFPD recruits at this sordid affair [the police have a booth at Folsom again this year] — an all-time low and embarrassment for men in blue everywhere whose mission is supposed to be “law enforcement.”

Worse yet, parents were bringing their children to see this filth. (see picture above).

Folks, what can you say in the face of such perversion and blasphemy as the above? I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that no modern special interest movement in America possesses the capacity for anti-Christian bigotry and anti-Christian persecution as the combined homosexual (”GLBT”) movement. “Leathermen” like the above are a celebrated part of the overall “gay” male subculture (which is not to deny that many homosexuals would take offense at this blasphemy) – their feigned ”macho-ness” an obvious over-compensation for the masculinity crisis that is male homosexuality.

You may be saying to yourself, To each his own? “I don’t prefer to have sex in the streets, but if that’s your thing, go for it”? San Francisco is a lesson in the evils of liberal, open-ended “tolerance.” On the one hand, the city’s supervisors and left-wing activists harass and condemn Christian youth who seek to promote virtue and a godly lifestyle to San Francisco teenagers. Then the same city leaders welcome with open arms — and emasculated law enforcement — the most perverted public street festival imaginable, with a strong dose of anti-Christian bigotry to boot.

More important than what Folsom says about sadomasochists — after all, those were proud perverts out on Sunday — is what it says about (mostly straight) social liberals and libertarians. Quick to bash – that is, judge – the “religious right,” they are deathly afraid of criticizing or “judging” anything homosexuality-related, even heinous perversion festivals where human beings are walked around with collars like dogs! How troubled are you that Speaker Pelosi has carefully couched her words so as not to offend those who would reconfigure the Last Supper to include sex toys and deviant “fetishists”?

So what does this have to do with Obama, you ask?

Obama wants to repeal the DOMA (Defense of Marriage act). This was signed by President Clinton in 1996.

The DOMA has two parts: one defines marriage as between a man and a woman, and the second part says a homosexual marriage in one state does not have to be recognized in another state.

Under an Obama regime, if 2 men got married in California and then moved to Oklahoma, then Oklahoma MUST recognize that homosexual marriage, even though Oklahoma has voted to ban homosexual marriage. Understand that Obama considers homosexual rights on par with the civil rights of blacks.

This sicko event in San Fransisco will broaden under an Obama regime.

Make no mistake about it.

Obama's head is up the behind of the Gay Mafia.

Don't buy his empty rhetoric about his "so-called christian values".

Anyone who names the name of Jesus and then supports this perverted lifestyle and hatefulness against anyone who speaks out against it, is FACIST.

Plain and simple.

Obama is part of the FACIST left wing.

Tolerance for Christians, NO.
Tolerance for Radical Gays, YES.
Tolerance for moral values, NO
Tolerance for perverted public nudity, Yes.

No Obama, Please.


Friday, September 19, 2008

Neo-Cons and Globalization got us into this Financial Mess

We were warned by Thomas Jefferson in the past:

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

What we are witnessing today is how empires end.

But we (America) are NOT supposed to be an empire. We are supposed to be a republic.

We have become an empire based on the Neo-Cons wanting constant intervention in foreign affairs leading to more wars and more calls for "democracy building".

The Globalists, with their constant calls for "free trade" and a "who cares" attitude to American companies closing factories here in the USA and moving them to Mexico and China. They are beholden to the god of Corporations.

Unfortunately, these Globalists and Neo-Cons have been running our country for the last 20 years.

Factory after factory has shut down and moved its manufacturing plants overseas, causing millions of jobs losses, yet no one in charge of our government cares.

While at the same time many of these Financial companies are failing, putting millions of the average "Joe" types into the unemployment line, these corporate CEO's are getting $$ millions in golden parachutes.

What we are witnessing today is nothing less than a Katrina-like failure of government, of our political class, and of democracy itself, casting a cloud over the viability and longevity of the system.

Notice who is managing the crisis. Not our elected leaders. Nancy Pelosi says she had nothing to do with it. Harry Reid says he doesn't know what to do. Congress is paralyzed and heading home. President Bush is nowhere to be seen.

Hank Paulson of Goldman Sachs and Ben Bernanke of the Fed chose to bail out Bear Sterns but let Lehman go under. They decided to nationalize Fannie and Freddie at a cost to taxpayers of hundreds of billions, putting the U.S. government behind $5 trillion in mortgages. They decided to buy AIG with $85 billion rather than see the insurance giant sink beneath the waves.

But who's bailing out main street?? Who is helping out "Joe six-pack?" Do any of our "leaders" care about main street??

An unelected financial elite is now entrusted with the assignment of getting us out of a disaster into which an unelected financial elite plunged the nation. We are just spectators.

As the popular magazine Business week said, "globalization has overwhelmed Washington's ability to control the economy."

Real wages for many U.S. workers are down over the past five years and have stagnated for others. Business Week now admits that our weak wage growth is driven by competition from cheap labor in Asia and that Congress is virtually powerless to make any significant difference.

It is high time to get our Financial house in order. I'm just afraid that it may be too late.

Instead of a country "by the people, for the people", we have become a country "by the corporations, for the corporations," while middle class America suffers the most.

It's time to say, No to Globalization, No to free-trade, Yes to fair trade, No to the Federal Reserve controlling OUR country, No to constant foreign intervention, Yes to getting out of Iraq soon, No to Open Borders, Yes to energy independence NOW, Yes to drilling for more oil, Yes for building more refineries, Yes to more Natural Gas plants, Yes to more Nuclear energy plants, Yes to helping the least of these Americans and the middle class, No to corporate welfare, Yes to seizing the assets of those responsible for this financial mess (Corporate Ceo's of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, AIG) and giving it back to the American people, No to China, Yes to USA,



Friday, September 12, 2008

Shocking Homosexual Indoctrination of First Graders-Obama says "It's the right thing to do"

I have shocking video of actual Homosexual indoctrination of First Graders.

Watch it right here:


This is Extremely slick (or shall I say, SICK) propaganda directed at the youngest of children!
Although It's Elementary was made over a decade ago, it's still a major training film for homosexual activists, is still being shown in schools across the country, and has become a standard feature at homosexual teachers' conferences.
Ask yourself: How much further has that agenda reached since then? How many more young children are being desensitized to homosexuality in their young years by these sophisticated techniques? And more importantly, when are you going to get involved to do something about it?

(The entire video is available athttp://www.groundspark.org/films/elementary/index.html.)

And, Barack Hussein Obama wants comprehensive sex education, including homosexuality, transgender lifestyles, taught to children as early as Kindergarten.

How does that sit with you, middle America??

I am not exaggerating. Listen to Obama in HIS own words.


SB99 - Illinois 2003K-12 Comprehensive Sex Education Bill

Obama votes YES on this bill which applies to Kindergarten through high school.

Let me just say to Obama two things.
First, age appropriate sex education to a kindergartner is NO sex education.
These children are too young to have any realization of what we would be teaching them about sex.
In today’s world children are already growing up too fast, we don’t need to further this by teaching them about sex at such a young age.

And secondly, If I as a parent want to teach my kindergarten aged child about sex, I will do it. I don’t need you to do it for me.

How are Barack Hussein Obama and like-minded people so arrogant as to think that parents aren’t doing the job as they see fit?

NO WAY OBAMA. I will not let you indoctrinate my children about the perverse practice of homosexuality, nor will I allow you or any teacher or school administrator, to shove comprehensive sex education down my kindergartners throat.

Once again, SHAME on you Barack Hussein Obama!


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Obama calls Sarah Palin a PIG!

That's right, today in Lebanon, Virginia, Obama said, "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig".
It was obvious from his comment that Obama here is referring directly to Sarah Palin.

The crowd apparently took the "lipstick" line as a reference to Palin, who described the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull in a single word: "lipstick."

This comment by Obama referring to Palin as a Pig is NO MISTAKE. How do I know?

First, note that the lefty blogosphere has been referring to Governor Palin in those terms for days now (for example, here and here and here and even in a press release from NARAL as noted here). So is it just coincidence that Barack Obama would use the same terms? Riiiiight.

He calls her a Pig.

Shame on you Barack Hussein Obama, shame on you.

Have you gone down that far in the gutter, Barack?

Listen for yourself: http://bearingdrift.com/2008/09/09/obama-calls-palin-a-pig/

Obama also said in the speech; "You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It's still gonna stink."

Astute political people know that Obama here, may also be referring to Palin with his fish comment; Because we all know that Sarah Palin is referred to as Sarah "Barracuda" Palin. Barracuda=old fish, that stinks, according to Obama.

Or Obama could have been referring to Senator McCain as an "old fish", since McCain is an old NAVY man. So shame on Obama for referring to a war hero like McCain as an "old fish that stinks".

Again, shame on you Obama.

The Obama campaign is quickly now trying to deny that Obama was talking about Palin as a Pig.

But it is clear as you watch the video, that the crowd thought that Obama was referring to Gov. Palin, as the Pig with lipstick.

Yea, this gaffe will really help with women voters, sure. Ha Ha Ha

Is Obama really this stupid, or does he really hate Sarah Palin that much to the point of name calling?

Keep talking Obama. You are looking more and more Presidential. NOT!


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sarah Palin Hits a Home Run at the Republican Convention

Tonight, Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska, and now VP nominee for John McCain spoke at the republican convention in Minnesota.

In my humble conservative populist opinion say she hit a grand slam home run in the bottom of the ninth inning in the seventh game of the world series.

It was great.

One moment she brought tears to my eyes, the next moment I was rolling on the floor laughing.

Quite frankly, can she please be at the TOP of the ticket??

I like her Much Better than John McCain.

My McCain support was tepid, lukewarm at best.

Now I'm pumped up!

Sure, she is beautiful on the outside, but her Strong Godly Family Values is what impresses me.

She is Strongly Pro-Life. She is Pro-Gun. She is Pro-traditional marriage. She is Pro-drilling for oil everywhere. She is Anti-corruption. She is not afraid to take on corporations. She is Pro-intelligent design. She does not believe in man-made global warming. She loves God and Country and is NOT ashamed of it. She is in a working class union family.

Christians, she is YOUR kind of candidate.

I am calling on ALL Christians, Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, American Indian, East Indian, Eskimo; if you love Jesus you can NOW vote for the McCain/Palin Presidential ticket.

I believe that she will be a Godly voice next to John McCain in the White House.

To me, McCain is still suspect. Sarah Palin will hopefully be that Christian voice in his ear that will guide McCain to nominate Judges like Thomas and Scalia.

Hopefully she can convince John McCain to drill for oil and natural gas in Anwar too.

Go Sarah Go!
