Karate for Kids

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sarah Palin Hits a Home Run at the Republican Convention

Tonight, Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska, and now VP nominee for John McCain spoke at the republican convention in Minnesota.

In my humble conservative populist opinion say she hit a grand slam home run in the bottom of the ninth inning in the seventh game of the world series.

It was great.

One moment she brought tears to my eyes, the next moment I was rolling on the floor laughing.

Quite frankly, can she please be at the TOP of the ticket??

I like her Much Better than John McCain.

My McCain support was tepid, lukewarm at best.

Now I'm pumped up!

Sure, she is beautiful on the outside, but her Strong Godly Family Values is what impresses me.

She is Strongly Pro-Life. She is Pro-Gun. She is Pro-traditional marriage. She is Pro-drilling for oil everywhere. She is Anti-corruption. She is not afraid to take on corporations. She is Pro-intelligent design. She does not believe in man-made global warming. She loves God and Country and is NOT ashamed of it. She is in a working class union family.

Christians, she is YOUR kind of candidate.

I am calling on ALL Christians, Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, American Indian, East Indian, Eskimo; if you love Jesus you can NOW vote for the McCain/Palin Presidential ticket.

I believe that she will be a Godly voice next to John McCain in the White House.

To me, McCain is still suspect. Sarah Palin will hopefully be that Christian voice in his ear that will guide McCain to nominate Judges like Thomas and Scalia.

Hopefully she can convince John McCain to drill for oil and natural gas in Anwar too.

Go Sarah Go!


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