Karate for Kids

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Obama calls Sarah Palin a PIG!

That's right, today in Lebanon, Virginia, Obama said, "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig".
It was obvious from his comment that Obama here is referring directly to Sarah Palin.

The crowd apparently took the "lipstick" line as a reference to Palin, who described the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull in a single word: "lipstick."

This comment by Obama referring to Palin as a Pig is NO MISTAKE. How do I know?

First, note that the lefty blogosphere has been referring to Governor Palin in those terms for days now (for example, here and here and here and even in a press release from NARAL as noted here). So is it just coincidence that Barack Obama would use the same terms? Riiiiight.

He calls her a Pig.

Shame on you Barack Hussein Obama, shame on you.

Have you gone down that far in the gutter, Barack?

Listen for yourself: http://bearingdrift.com/2008/09/09/obama-calls-palin-a-pig/

Obama also said in the speech; "You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It's still gonna stink."

Astute political people know that Obama here, may also be referring to Palin with his fish comment; Because we all know that Sarah Palin is referred to as Sarah "Barracuda" Palin. Barracuda=old fish, that stinks, according to Obama.

Or Obama could have been referring to Senator McCain as an "old fish", since McCain is an old NAVY man. So shame on Obama for referring to a war hero like McCain as an "old fish that stinks".

Again, shame on you Obama.

The Obama campaign is quickly now trying to deny that Obama was talking about Palin as a Pig.

But it is clear as you watch the video, that the crowd thought that Obama was referring to Gov. Palin, as the Pig with lipstick.

Yea, this gaffe will really help with women voters, sure. Ha Ha Ha

Is Obama really this stupid, or does he really hate Sarah Palin that much to the point of name calling?

Keep talking Obama. You are looking more and more Presidential. NOT!



KayInMaine said...

He didn't call her a Pig. He was talking about the policies of McCain/Palin and said 'you can put lipstick on a pig and it's still a pig...you can wrap a fish in paper and it still stinks'.

It was the right wingers of America who said, "Waaaaaaaaaa, a week ago Sarah said the word lipstick and now Barack is using it! That means he's talking about her!".

Real mature the neocons are. *rolling eyes*

Jimbo said...

To Kayinmaine: It is clear, that the crowd behind Obama thought he was talking about Palin.

Also, neocons are NOT Conservatives/right wingers. Neocons are people who say they are conservative but in policy and practice are NOT.
Here is an example: Dick Cheney is a Neocon, whom I can't stand.
Others like Pat Buchanan is a True conservative, NOT a neocon.

Get your definitions right before throwing around words ignorantly.