Karate for Kids

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas is Here. God sends His Son Jesus to Save the World

Merry Christmas to all.

I Love this Holiday the most.

What is Christmas you ask?

It is simply that God, in His infinite Complete Love for Mankind, came down from Heaven in the form of a human, born from a Virgin, Mary.

His Name is Called Jesus. He is the Son of God, God the Son.

He came to live and teach us how much God loves us.

However, he Mainly came to DIE. That's right. God came down to earth as Jesus for the Main purpose of Dying on the Cross and shedding His blood.

The Greatest thing is that three days later Jesus rose from the grave VICTORIOUS over death.

This is what Christmas is all about. Jesus. Not Santa, or gifts, or decorations, even though those things are good.

So don't be shy and say Merry Christmas to everyone you see today and tomorrow.


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