On Tuesday night, Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton had another (20 now) debate. It really is just a personality contest now. They agree on 90% of the issues.
Here is why I say that Barack Hussein Obama seems to Love Death.
There was a question from the moderator asking both candidates if there was one vote that they wish they could take back, that they were wrong on. Hillary stated the obvious one. She said that she would not have authorized the Iraq war.
Then came Barack Hussein Obama: He said that he "regrets" not "standing up" to his fellow congressmen when they voted to intervene on Terri Schiavo's behalf.
You remember Terri Schiavo right? She was the young brain damaged woman in Florida who was unable to talk and who had a feeding tube to help keep her alive. Her parents loved her dearly and wanted to continue to take care of her, however her Sleezy, Bum of a Husband Michael Schiavo, wanted to KILL her. That's right, he had a new girlfriend, Jodi Centonze, and now wanted Terri gone, out of his life, forever. He wanted her Dead. So he made up some story about how when Terri was able to talk that if she was ever in a position where a feeding tube was keeping her alive, that she wanted him to "pull the plug".
Now, this Bum had gotten on with his life for years as Terri Schiavo had been living with the feeding tube in and her parents trying to get custody from the Husband who didn't care about her anyway. Now he had gone to court to get the feeding tube removed (he had been trying to get it removed for years too). The parents were trying to block it in court as well. I am a Nurse and I can tell you that when a feeding tube is removed on someone who is dependent on it, unless iv fluids are started, that person will STARVE to Death. This is a horrible way to die. Why couldn't the husband just give custody back over to the parents since he had gotten on with his life anyway? But NO, he wanted her Dead. I guess he felt guilty about prancing around with his new girlfriend while his wife lie in a bed with a feeding tube in her, unable to move.
The Godless court in Florida ruled that the feeding tube must come out. So Congress (rightfully so) intervened and passed a bill to attempt to keep the feeding tube in until the case could be reviewed by the courts, even the Supreme Court.
Well, unfortunately the House and Senate could not come together on an agreeable bill and the Supreme Court refused to review the case and a few days later the feeding tube was pulled and Nothing was allowed to be given to Terri Schiavo orally as well. Basically, she ended up starving to death after a couple of weeks.
At least Congress tried (weakly though) to keep her alive for a few weeks longer. However, all Barack Hussein Obama could say was, Damn, if only I had yelled at my fellow congressmen Louder so they would not have intervened, SO SHE COULD DIE FASTER. Get it, Obama wanted to just let this evil man kill his wife and not at least stopped and said, "hey let's review this one more time".
I was Outraged when I saw this on Tuesday. Then I reviewed Barack Hussein Obama's voting record in Illinois and found out that he was the ONLY Senator that voted AGAINST the Born-Alive Child Protection Act. See http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=18647
That's right, Obama thinks its OK for doctors to kill LIVE BORN BABIES! If I were McCain, I'd run ads showing Obama as the lover of Death that he is.
I am pleading with all the people of America that consider themselves Moral.
You do so at your own peril. You might be the next Terri Schiavo.
I am a 47yr old married guy from Illinois. I call myself a conservative populist based on my political, religious, and social views of life.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Congress--Wake Up and Stop letting Judges Rule over You!
Congress has been letting the Judiciary make the Final decision, even though Congress is supposed to be Equal. Actually, according to Alexander Hamilton, the Judicial branch is supposed to be the Weakest branch of Government, instead it is now All-Powerful.
Case in Point:
Federal courts in San Francisco and in Los Angeles just ordered the U.S. Navy to limit its use of sonar, the underwater technology essential for tracking enemy submarines and detecting the ocean floor. These rulings tie the Navy's hands and are the latest outrage committed by judicial supremacists. The lawsuits were brought by environmental groups on behalf of whales and other sea creatures, using the claim that their ears and brains might be damaged by the high-frequency sound waves emitted by sonar. The court rulings allow environmentalism to trump what the Navy needs to do to protect U.S. national interest.
So, chalk up another victory for enemies of our armed forces, internal and external. It seems that the anti-military leftists have picked up judicial activists as their allies. Why should the U.S. Navy have to grovel to federal judges for permission to defend national security? Most U.S. Navy activities are not even in the United States, and judges should not have the power to interfere with the Navy's protection of national interests.
Few people on the modern U.S. judiciary have ever served in the military. Only one U.S. Supreme Court justice is a veteran, Justice John Paul Stevens, and most appellate judges have no military service in their backgrounds.
Judges in black robes should not be telling U.S. generals and admirals what they cannot do, and federal courts should not be interfering with the Navy's duty to patrol the oceans. The U.S. Constitution did not make the federal judiciary the commander in chief.
Environmentalists have no compunction about filing lawsuits to protect animals at the expense of national security. For years, their litigation prevented a fence from being built on the U.S.-Mexico border near San Diego.
The REAL ID Act, passed in May 2005, withdrew jurisdiction from federal courts over challenges to a fence built on the U.S.-Mexico border. This law enabled the San Diego fence to be built without further delay and is now preventing another lawsuit from stopping the building of a fence along the Arizona border.
Unaccountable federal judges should not be giving orders to the U.S. Navy as it tries to defend American freedoms. Just as power was taken away from federal courts over environmental challenges to the building of a border fence, power should likewise be taken away from federal courts so that they do not interfere with national security.
Congress, including many Democrats, has already stripped jurisdiction from federal courts over the detaining of enemy combatants in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. When the Supreme Court found a way to bypass that law, Congress, including many Democrats, passed a new law to reinstate the withdrawal of jurisdiction more broadly, and that law is now before the U.S. Supreme Court.
It's time for Congress to assume responsibility to protect national security by stripping federal courts from jurisdiction over the U.S. Armed Services. It is also time for Congress to get a backbone and quit letting the unelected Judges have the last say. If the Supreme Court or any court for that matter hands down a clearly unconstitutional ruling, the Congress should say NO and along with the Executive branch NOT abide by it. I know this sounds foreign to many of you, but this is how our system of Government is set up. We are not to be bound by a few judges in black robes who have NOT been elected by the people.
Case in Point:
Federal courts in San Francisco and in Los Angeles just ordered the U.S. Navy to limit its use of sonar, the underwater technology essential for tracking enemy submarines and detecting the ocean floor. These rulings tie the Navy's hands and are the latest outrage committed by judicial supremacists. The lawsuits were brought by environmental groups on behalf of whales and other sea creatures, using the claim that their ears and brains might be damaged by the high-frequency sound waves emitted by sonar. The court rulings allow environmentalism to trump what the Navy needs to do to protect U.S. national interest.
So, chalk up another victory for enemies of our armed forces, internal and external. It seems that the anti-military leftists have picked up judicial activists as their allies. Why should the U.S. Navy have to grovel to federal judges for permission to defend national security? Most U.S. Navy activities are not even in the United States, and judges should not have the power to interfere with the Navy's protection of national interests.
Few people on the modern U.S. judiciary have ever served in the military. Only one U.S. Supreme Court justice is a veteran, Justice John Paul Stevens, and most appellate judges have no military service in their backgrounds.
Judges in black robes should not be telling U.S. generals and admirals what they cannot do, and federal courts should not be interfering with the Navy's duty to patrol the oceans. The U.S. Constitution did not make the federal judiciary the commander in chief.
Environmentalists have no compunction about filing lawsuits to protect animals at the expense of national security. For years, their litigation prevented a fence from being built on the U.S.-Mexico border near San Diego.
The REAL ID Act, passed in May 2005, withdrew jurisdiction from federal courts over challenges to a fence built on the U.S.-Mexico border. This law enabled the San Diego fence to be built without further delay and is now preventing another lawsuit from stopping the building of a fence along the Arizona border.
Unaccountable federal judges should not be giving orders to the U.S. Navy as it tries to defend American freedoms. Just as power was taken away from federal courts over environmental challenges to the building of a border fence, power should likewise be taken away from federal courts so that they do not interfere with national security.
Congress, including many Democrats, has already stripped jurisdiction from federal courts over the detaining of enemy combatants in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. When the Supreme Court found a way to bypass that law, Congress, including many Democrats, passed a new law to reinstate the withdrawal of jurisdiction more broadly, and that law is now before the U.S. Supreme Court.
It's time for Congress to assume responsibility to protect national security by stripping federal courts from jurisdiction over the U.S. Armed Services. It is also time for Congress to get a backbone and quit letting the unelected Judges have the last say. If the Supreme Court or any court for that matter hands down a clearly unconstitutional ruling, the Congress should say NO and along with the Executive branch NOT abide by it. I know this sounds foreign to many of you, but this is how our system of Government is set up. We are not to be bound by a few judges in black robes who have NOT been elected by the people.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Hillary-Falling like a Rock-I Love it!
I can't help but giggle with joy at Hillary Clinton's fall from glory. She pretty much expected to waltz away with the Democratic party nomination until she ran into the freight train called OBAMA!
The more I think about it, I think Obama would be easier to beat than Hillary because of Obama's comment that he would sit down and talk to our enemies. If I were McCain, I would repeatedly run an ad of Obama sitting down having a pizza and cold beer with Osama Bin Laden and Ahmadinejad laughing it up then show a split screen of 9-11, and have the narrator ask, "Do you really want him as President".
However, McCain has an uphill battle no matter how you slice it. Obama is charasmatic, good looking, graceful, and full of hope. I believe the only way McCain can win is to paint Obama as the Liberal Extremist that he is. Paint him as being Un-Patriotic (showing him not placing his hand over his heart during the pledge, playing up his wife's comment on Never being proud to be an American until now.
Right now, Obama is seen as this ideal Presidential Candidate. McCain has 8 mos. to change America's perspective on this. We can only hope and pray that McCain is successful because the next President will pick at least 2 Supreme Court Justices and if Obama is the President, we will see more Justice Ginsberg types. If McCain is the President (assuming that McCain picks a Scalia type, cross your fingers) Conservatives have a better chance of being the majority on the Supreme Court.
Until then, if you live in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, or any of the other states that have not participated in the primaries yet, I urge you to vote for Huckabee (even though I realize McCain will win the nomination), if anything just to send a message to McCain that we want him to hold up our Conservative ideals.
The more I think about it, I think Obama would be easier to beat than Hillary because of Obama's comment that he would sit down and talk to our enemies. If I were McCain, I would repeatedly run an ad of Obama sitting down having a pizza and cold beer with Osama Bin Laden and Ahmadinejad laughing it up then show a split screen of 9-11, and have the narrator ask, "Do you really want him as President".
However, McCain has an uphill battle no matter how you slice it. Obama is charasmatic, good looking, graceful, and full of hope. I believe the only way McCain can win is to paint Obama as the Liberal Extremist that he is. Paint him as being Un-Patriotic (showing him not placing his hand over his heart during the pledge, playing up his wife's comment on Never being proud to be an American until now.
Right now, Obama is seen as this ideal Presidential Candidate. McCain has 8 mos. to change America's perspective on this. We can only hope and pray that McCain is successful because the next President will pick at least 2 Supreme Court Justices and if Obama is the President, we will see more Justice Ginsberg types. If McCain is the President (assuming that McCain picks a Scalia type, cross your fingers) Conservatives have a better chance of being the majority on the Supreme Court.
Until then, if you live in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, or any of the other states that have not participated in the primaries yet, I urge you to vote for Huckabee (even though I realize McCain will win the nomination), if anything just to send a message to McCain that we want him to hold up our Conservative ideals.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Root Cause of NIU Shooting
The shooting at NIU (Northern Illinois University) leaves many families devastated. Imagine, sending your kid off to College only to hear that he/she has been murdered in cold blood. What is this world coming to. I have both secular and spiritual insights and answers to why this happened and how to prevent it in the future.
First, I would start by using metal detectors and fences around the whole college area.
Second, these colleges need to hire 10x more armed and trained police officers. I would also arm all the teachers (those that want to carry guns can) and I would train and arm a certain percentage of the Student population as well. In every class there needs to be at least 1 person in the classroom that is trained, armed, and ready for something like this to happen.
The reason why people do things like this is because mankind is evil. That's right, the Bible says in Jeremiah 17:9 "The Heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it. And in Romans 3:10,11 "There is none righteousness, no not one; There is none who understands: There is none who seeks after God."
The Public Universities have altogether KICKED GOD OUT. They teach that we evolved from Monkeys, instead of the FACT that we have been fearfully and wonderfully CREATED in GOD'S IMAGE. Therefore, since God has been kicked out, the door is wide open for the devil (who hates us) to come right in. Make no mistake about it, this gunman was influenced by Evil Spirits. There is a whole spiritual realm just as real as the physical realm. Without the Lord Jesus' Protection, Satan can do what he wants to. And make no mistake about it. SATAN HATES US!
Here is the GOOD NEWS.
God Created us. God Loves us. We have sinned from the beginning of time. However, God loves us so much that he came down from Heaven in the form of a man (Jesus Christ). He died on the cross and shed his blood for us, for our sins. Then Jesus rose from the grave 3 days later and lives today. Someday Jesus will come back to bring us to Heaven to live with him in Paradise Forever for all Eternity. The Bible states clearly in Romans 10:9 that if you Confess with your mouth that JESUS IS LORD, and Believe in your Heart that God raised Him from the Dead, YOU WILL BE SAVED.
So if Public Colleges and Universities as well as Public Elementary, Middle, and High Schools were to Embrace God rather than disdain and shun God, they would have God's Divine Protection.
It really is that simple. Embrace and Trust God=Protection and Health
Hate and Disdain God=Destruction and Calamity
Will people NOW trust God. I hope and pray that they do.
First, I would start by using metal detectors and fences around the whole college area.
Second, these colleges need to hire 10x more armed and trained police officers. I would also arm all the teachers (those that want to carry guns can) and I would train and arm a certain percentage of the Student population as well. In every class there needs to be at least 1 person in the classroom that is trained, armed, and ready for something like this to happen.
The reason why people do things like this is because mankind is evil. That's right, the Bible says in Jeremiah 17:9 "The Heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it. And in Romans 3:10,11 "There is none righteousness, no not one; There is none who understands: There is none who seeks after God."
The Public Universities have altogether KICKED GOD OUT. They teach that we evolved from Monkeys, instead of the FACT that we have been fearfully and wonderfully CREATED in GOD'S IMAGE. Therefore, since God has been kicked out, the door is wide open for the devil (who hates us) to come right in. Make no mistake about it, this gunman was influenced by Evil Spirits. There is a whole spiritual realm just as real as the physical realm. Without the Lord Jesus' Protection, Satan can do what he wants to. And make no mistake about it. SATAN HATES US!
Here is the GOOD NEWS.
God Created us. God Loves us. We have sinned from the beginning of time. However, God loves us so much that he came down from Heaven in the form of a man (Jesus Christ). He died on the cross and shed his blood for us, for our sins. Then Jesus rose from the grave 3 days later and lives today. Someday Jesus will come back to bring us to Heaven to live with him in Paradise Forever for all Eternity. The Bible states clearly in Romans 10:9 that if you Confess with your mouth that JESUS IS LORD, and Believe in your Heart that God raised Him from the Dead, YOU WILL BE SAVED.
So if Public Colleges and Universities as well as Public Elementary, Middle, and High Schools were to Embrace God rather than disdain and shun God, they would have God's Divine Protection.
It really is that simple. Embrace and Trust God=Protection and Health
Hate and Disdain God=Destruction and Calamity
Will people NOW trust God. I hope and pray that they do.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Congress wasting Time and Money on Steroids
Yesterday, I saw Congress grill Pitcher Roger Clemens on whether or not he used Steroids before. What I saw was a complete waste of taxpayers money at work here. Here they are talking about Steroids when we still are not Energy Independent, Families are struggling to send their kids to College, put Food on the Table, Layoffs are piling up, People are being Foreclosed upon, Families still can't afford Healthcare, plus we are still fighting a War in Iraq; and all I see is a bunch of Grandstanding by our Congresspeople.
I see Henry (wax museum) Waxman, pounding on the gavel saying to Clemens "We are the ones asking You questions". Plus others grilling Clemens on something of National Security, NO, but on Steroids! This whole thing was started by an ex-congressman George Mitchell, who has nothing better to do with his time but waste OUR TAXPAYERS MONEY. What an Idiot.
Congress, WAKE UP! I don't give a rat's ass about some ballplayer who tried to gain an advantage by taking a substance that was not banned at the time anyway.
How much money did this Circus cost us the taxpayer?? Answer: A LOT.
There are VERY IMPORTANT ISSUES that still remain UNSOLVED.
I want my Congress there to try and solve those very important issues, like Energy Independence, Healthcare, what to do about Jobs being Outsourced, Skyrocketing College costs, the Real Estate Crisis, Iraq, sealing our Borders, NOT STEROIDS.
Stop the Circus now.
I see Henry (wax museum) Waxman, pounding on the gavel saying to Clemens "We are the ones asking You questions". Plus others grilling Clemens on something of National Security, NO, but on Steroids! This whole thing was started by an ex-congressman George Mitchell, who has nothing better to do with his time but waste OUR TAXPAYERS MONEY. What an Idiot.
Congress, WAKE UP! I don't give a rat's ass about some ballplayer who tried to gain an advantage by taking a substance that was not banned at the time anyway.
How much money did this Circus cost us the taxpayer?? Answer: A LOT.
There are VERY IMPORTANT ISSUES that still remain UNSOLVED.
I want my Congress there to try and solve those very important issues, like Energy Independence, Healthcare, what to do about Jobs being Outsourced, Skyrocketing College costs, the Real Estate Crisis, Iraq, sealing our Borders, NOT STEROIDS.
Stop the Circus now.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Huckabee Wins Louisiana, Kansas
Mike Huckabee wins Kansas with 60% of the vote. He also wins Louisiana as well. He was down only 1% to McCain in Washington state when the Republican chairman of the state scammed Huckabee by calling McCain the winner at 87% of the vote in. Ed Rollins is calling (rightfully so) for an investigation. So far McCain is a pretty weak front runner. McCain has trouble winning key RED states. He is winning the Blue states, but who cares about them. The Democrats will win the Blue states in November anyway. Mitt Romney should throw his delegates to Huckabee so we can have a clear McCain vs. Huckabee fight. McCain vs. Huckabee has not bode well for McCain since Romney quit the race. Guys, WAKE UP! McCain will LOSE in November to either Democratic candidate. It is looking right now like that will be Obama. McCain will get CRUSHED by Obama. Huckabee can fare MUCH better.
Again, what does McCain have to offer the American people.
Answer: 100 years of War, More Illegal Aliens, Less US Jobs (since he admitted he does not know much about the Economy). And this is the Republicans "winning" nominee???
Please DO NOT CORONATE McCain yet. Virginia, Maryland, DC. VOTE FOR HUCKABEE.
A True Compassionate Populist Conservative.
Again, what does McCain have to offer the American people.
Answer: 100 years of War, More Illegal Aliens, Less US Jobs (since he admitted he does not know much about the Economy). And this is the Republicans "winning" nominee???
Please DO NOT CORONATE McCain yet. Virginia, Maryland, DC. VOTE FOR HUCKABEE.

A True Compassionate Populist Conservative.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Romney is OUT!
Romney dropped out of the Presidential race today. Huckabee is still alive. Now is the time for all you Romney supporters who have not voted yet to cast your vote for the only Conservative candidate left in this race now(well Ron Paul is still in but has no chance to win now). Vote Huckabee.
McCain going against the Democrats in November is going to be a disaster.
McCain will be seen as this old guy, war monger, imperialist, with no clue on the economy vs. a Democrat that is promising Health care for all. McCain will get stomped on.
This is why I think Huckabee would match up better against the Democrats. Now, the ONLY way Huckabee can win is if he wins ALL the rest of the States. It CAN happen. So I am begging all of you who have yet to vote. VOTE HUCKABEE.
McCain going against the Democrats in November is going to be a disaster.
McCain will be seen as this old guy, war monger, imperialist, with no clue on the economy vs. a Democrat that is promising Health care for all. McCain will get stomped on.
This is why I think Huckabee would match up better against the Democrats. Now, the ONLY way Huckabee can win is if he wins ALL the rest of the States. It CAN happen. So I am begging all of you who have yet to vote. VOTE HUCKABEE.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Huckabee WINS 5 STATES!
Mike Huckabee wins 5 states in last nights Super Tuesday:
He Won:
West Virginia
And he almost won Missouri. He lost by 1% in Missouri. He only lost by 4% in Oklahoma too.
There are many states to go. We are a little over half way through this Primary season. Keep up the support for Huckabee.
He Won:
West Virginia
And he almost won Missouri. He lost by 1% in Missouri. He only lost by 4% in Oklahoma too.
There are many states to go. We are a little over half way through this Primary season. Keep up the support for Huckabee.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Vote for MIKE PSAK for US SENATOR-ILLINOIS Today Feb. 5th
He is running in the Republican primary against 2 liberal republicans for US SENATE in ILLINOIS. His name is Mike Psak. He is Pro-Life, Pro-Traditional marriage, Pro-Religious Freedom and conservative fiscally. Here he is on the issues: http://www.psak4ussenate.com/issues.htm
Happy Voting
Super Tuesday
Happy Voting
Super Tuesday
Sunday, February 3, 2008
I am pleading for all you Romney, McCain supporters. This Tuesday vote for Huckabee instead.
He is the ONLY conservative running.
He is Pro-Life
He is Pro-Traditional Marriage
He is Pro-Gun rights
He is for Fair Trade not just Free Trade
He is Pro-Religious Freedom
He is a Populist that cares about the guy who got laid off and not for the corporations that raid the pensions of its employees.
He left Arkansas with a Surplus-Good money management skills
He is a regular guy not a rich kid born with a silver spoon in his mouth (i.e. Romney)
He is NOT a Washington insider (i.e. McCain)
He is For building a Border Fence
He is Pro-School Choice and Pro-Homeschooler
He might not have the money of Romney or the name recognition and washington friends of McCain but I am proudy casting my vote for Huckabee come Feb. 5th.
Romney is a LIBERAL
(Forced Gay marriage on the State of Massachusetts , Forced civil servant chaplains to marry gay people, announced that the adoption couple of the year would be a gay couple. Romney says the Boy Scouts should accept homosexual scoutmasters and that homosexuals have “a legitimate interest” in adopting or producing and raising children. As governor, to please Massachusetts’ militant homosexual groups, Romney aggressively BOOSTED government funding for pro-homosexuality indoctrination, starting in
kindergarten. He refused to defend schoolchildren and parents’ rights against this indoctrination. He refused to order his education officials to obey the law guaranteeing that parents’ can protect their children from sexual brainwashing.

This is a continuation of his views since 1994 when he opposed congressional efforts to protect children by banning federal funding to public schools that encourage “homosexuality as a positive lifestyle alternative.” His deference to militant homosexual groups’ “right” to indictrinate other people’s children was jaw-dropping. Romney also supports the Federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). This is the legislation that the Radical Gays tried to get thru Congress that would have given SPECIAL CIVIL RIGHTS to Gays and ANYONE SPEAKING AGAINST THEM.
Romney is a SLAVE of the GAY MAFIA.
He has stated in the past that he would be more Pro-Choice than Ted Kennedy. His Healthcare plan in Mass. PAYS for ABORTIONS. That's right, Romney SUPPORTS TAX PAYER FUNDED ABORTIONS. He would be a horrible choice for President.
McCain is a LIBERAL
(against conservative judges, FOR embryonic stem cell research, A Global warming Freak, voted against the border fence already, criticized evangelicals in the past). McCain has no idea what to do with the Economy. He has already stated that jobs in Michigan are not coming back. Why? Because McCain is beholden to the Free Trade/Outsourcing is Good Philosophy.
Here is the McCain Platform for America (Less Jobs here in USA, Illegal Aliens STAYING, More WARS). Duhhhh....Sounds like a winning platform to me.
Mike Huckabee (and Ron Paul) are the ONLY True Conservatives running now. And even though I really like Ron Paul, he doesn't stand much of a chance now. BUT, Vote for Paul if you want to. Remember that the Primaries are about voting for who you really like, not the lesser of two evils, like the November elections tend to be.
He is the ONLY conservative running.
He is Pro-Life
He is Pro-Traditional Marriage
He is Pro-Gun rights
He is for Fair Trade not just Free Trade
He is Pro-Religious Freedom
He is a Populist that cares about the guy who got laid off and not for the corporations that raid the pensions of its employees.
He left Arkansas with a Surplus-Good money management skills
He is a regular guy not a rich kid born with a silver spoon in his mouth (i.e. Romney)
He is NOT a Washington insider (i.e. McCain)
He is For building a Border Fence
He is Pro-School Choice and Pro-Homeschooler
He might not have the money of Romney or the name recognition and washington friends of McCain but I am proudy casting my vote for Huckabee come Feb. 5th.
Romney is a LIBERAL
(Forced Gay marriage on the State of Massachusetts , Forced civil servant chaplains to marry gay people, announced that the adoption couple of the year would be a gay couple. Romney says the Boy Scouts should accept homosexual scoutmasters and that homosexuals have “a legitimate interest” in adopting or producing and raising children. As governor, to please Massachusetts’ militant homosexual groups, Romney aggressively BOOSTED government funding for pro-homosexuality indoctrination, starting in


This is a continuation of his views since 1994 when he opposed congressional efforts to protect children by banning federal funding to public schools that encourage “homosexuality as a positive lifestyle alternative.” His deference to militant homosexual groups’ “right” to indictrinate other people’s children was jaw-dropping. Romney also supports the Federal Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). This is the legislation that the Radical Gays tried to get thru Congress that would have given SPECIAL CIVIL RIGHTS to Gays and ANYONE SPEAKING AGAINST THEM.
Romney is a SLAVE of the GAY MAFIA.
He has stated in the past that he would be more Pro-Choice than Ted Kennedy. His Healthcare plan in Mass. PAYS for ABORTIONS. That's right, Romney SUPPORTS TAX PAYER FUNDED ABORTIONS. He would be a horrible choice for President.
McCain is a LIBERAL
(against conservative judges, FOR embryonic stem cell research, A Global warming Freak, voted against the border fence already, criticized evangelicals in the past). McCain has no idea what to do with the Economy. He has already stated that jobs in Michigan are not coming back. Why? Because McCain is beholden to the Free Trade/Outsourcing is Good Philosophy.
Here is the McCain Platform for America (Less Jobs here in USA, Illegal Aliens STAYING, More WARS). Duhhhh....Sounds like a winning platform to me.
Mike Huckabee (and Ron Paul) are the ONLY True Conservatives running now. And even though I really like Ron Paul, he doesn't stand much of a chance now. BUT, Vote for Paul if you want to. Remember that the Primaries are about voting for who you really like, not the lesser of two evils, like the November elections tend to be.
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