Karate for Kids

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Congress wasting Time and Money on Steroids

Yesterday, I saw Congress grill Pitcher Roger Clemens on whether or not he used Steroids before. What I saw was a complete waste of taxpayers money at work here. Here they are talking about Steroids when we still are not Energy Independent, Families are struggling to send their kids to College, put Food on the Table, Layoffs are piling up, People are being Foreclosed upon, Families still can't afford Healthcare, plus we are still fighting a War in Iraq; and all I see is a bunch of Grandstanding by our Congresspeople.
I see Henry (wax museum) Waxman, pounding on the gavel saying to Clemens "We are the ones asking You questions". Plus others grilling Clemens on something of National Security, NO, but on Steroids! This whole thing was started by an ex-congressman George Mitchell, who has nothing better to do with his time but waste OUR TAXPAYERS MONEY. What an Idiot.
Congress, WAKE UP! I don't give a rat's ass about some ballplayer who tried to gain an advantage by taking a substance that was not banned at the time anyway.
How much money did this Circus cost us the taxpayer?? Answer: A LOT.
There are VERY IMPORTANT ISSUES that still remain UNSOLVED.
I want my Congress there to try and solve those very important issues, like Energy Independence, Healthcare, what to do about Jobs being Outsourced, Skyrocketing College costs, the Real Estate Crisis, Iraq, sealing our Borders, NOT STEROIDS.
Stop the Circus now.

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