Karate for Kids

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Obama seems to LOVE Death

On Tuesday night, Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton had another (20 now) debate. It really is just a personality contest now. They agree on 90% of the issues.
Here is why I say that Barack Hussein Obama seems to Love Death.
There was a question from the moderator asking both candidates if there was one vote that they wish they could take back, that they were wrong on. Hillary stated the obvious one. She said that she would not have authorized the Iraq war.
Then came Barack Hussein Obama: He said that he "regrets" not "standing up" to his fellow congressmen when they voted to intervene on Terri Schiavo's behalf.

You remember Terri Schiavo right? She was the young brain damaged woman in Florida who was unable to talk and who had a feeding tube to help keep her alive. Her parents loved her dearly and wanted to continue to take care of her, however her Sleezy, Bum of a Husband Michael Schiavo, wanted to KILL her. That's right, he had a new girlfriend, Jodi Centonze, and now wanted Terri gone, out of his life, forever. He wanted her Dead. So he made up some story about how when Terri was able to talk that if she was ever in a position where a feeding tube was keeping her alive, that she wanted him to "pull the plug".
Now, this Bum had gotten on with his life for years as Terri Schiavo had been living with the feeding tube in and her parents trying to get custody from the Husband who didn't care about her anyway. Now he had gone to court to get the feeding tube removed (he had been trying to get it removed for years too). The parents were trying to block it in court as well. I am a Nurse and I can tell you that when a feeding tube is removed on someone who is dependent on it, unless iv fluids are started, that person will STARVE to Death. This is a horrible way to die. Why couldn't the husband just give custody back over to the parents since he had gotten on with his life anyway? But NO, he wanted her Dead. I guess he felt guilty about prancing around with his new girlfriend while his wife lie in a bed with a feeding tube in her, unable to move.
The Godless court in Florida ruled that the feeding tube must come out. So Congress (rightfully so) intervened and passed a bill to attempt to keep the feeding tube in until the case could be reviewed by the courts, even the Supreme Court.
Well, unfortunately the House and Senate could not come together on an agreeable bill and the Supreme Court refused to review the case and a few days later the feeding tube was pulled and Nothing was allowed to be given to Terri Schiavo orally as well. Basically, she ended up starving to death after a couple of weeks.

At least Congress tried (weakly though) to keep her alive for a few weeks longer. However, all Barack Hussein Obama could say was, Damn, if only I had yelled at my fellow congressmen Louder so they would not have intervened, SO SHE COULD DIE FASTER. Get it, Obama wanted to just let this evil man kill his wife and not at least stopped and said, "hey let's review this one more time".
I was Outraged when I saw this on Tuesday. Then I reviewed Barack Hussein Obama's voting record in Illinois and found out that he was the ONLY Senator that voted AGAINST the Born-Alive Child Protection Act. See http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=18647
That's right, Obama thinks its OK for doctors to kill LIVE BORN BABIES! If I were McCain, I'd run ads showing Obama as the lover of Death that he is.

I am pleading with all the people of America that consider themselves Moral.
You do so at your own peril. You might be the next Terri Schiavo.


Anonymous said...

Great post. What a horror this man Obama is indeed. He will keep the "Culture of Death" "alive" and well in America if he becomes our next president. Wake Up America!

Thanks again,

Jimbo said...

I am adding you to my list of blog links. Thanks