Karate for Kids

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Someone Yell into McCain's Ear---NAFTA BAD

On Tuesday March 4th, Texas, Ohio, Vermont, and Rhode Island had their Presidential Primaries. I am saddened to see Mike Huckabee officially out of the race. He would have been the Republican's best choice to carry the Conservative message. Now we are stuck we Moderate John McCain. I agree with him on about 55% of the issues. I disagree with him on Trade, Global warming, using embryonic stem cells, immigration. However, on socially important ones, Life, Marriage, School Choice, and Conservative Supreme Court Nominees, I am 100% agreeable with McCain, so come November I will hold my nose and vote for him.

However, during his victory speech on Tuesday, he verbalized gleefully his utmost love for Nafta and what I call, "so-called free-trade". Remember, Ohio voters HATE NAFTA. Travel all over Ohio and you can see NAFTA'S remains (empty factories rusting out, empty businesses, unmployment way above the national average, lost jobs to Mexico, China). In fact a poll showed that 85% of Ohioans feel NAFTA is the root cause of lost manufacturing jobs in Ohio, yet McCain keeps screaming about the "so-called benefits" of "free-trade". CNN stated that Ohio lost 250,000 manufacturing jobs since 2000.
Yet Mr. McCain wants to tell the unemployed factory workers in Ohio about how great "free-trade" and NAFTA is.
Come November, no matter who the Democratic nominee is (Obama or Clinton), I guarantee Ohio and Michigan voters will see countless TV ads showing empty factories and unemployment lines and a narrator saying John McCain Loves NAFTA and playing his quotes on how "great" free trade is. In fact in one of the republican debates, McCain stated that he was the "Biggest Free-Trader around". Ohio is a MUST WIN for McCain in order for him to be President. He will not win unless he changes his mind on NAFTA and so-called free-trade.
For the sake of our Country and the Supreme Court, someone please YELL in McCain's Ear that NAFTA is BAD NOT GOOD.

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