Karate for Kids

Monday, June 30, 2008

McCain Finally meets with Billy and Franklin Graham

John McCain met Sunday with evangelist Billy Graham and his son, Franklin, at the family's mountaintop retreat in North Carolina.

McCain, who is actively courting religious voters and trying to reassure skeptical conservatives, visited privately with the Grahams on the grounds of Little Piney Cove in the Blue Ridge Mountains in western North Carolina.

McCain's visit to North Carolina was his first sit-down with Billy Graham, 89, and with Franklin Graham, although McCain and the elder Graham are acquainted. McCain's father and Billy Graham also knew each other.

The world-renowned evangelist is in poor health but apparently felt well enough to visit with McCain, who flew to North Carolina with the expectation of meeting only with Franklin Graham, who is president and chief executive of the evangelistic association his father founded in 1950.

"The senator and I both have sons currently serving in the military, and also have a common interest in aviation," Franklin Graham said. "I was impressed by his personal faith and his moral clarity on important social issues facing America today."

All I can say is, it is about time that McCain came to his senses. Without us, the Conservative Evangelical voter, their is NO WAY that McCain will beat Obama.

Remember, that it was Evangelical Activists in Ohio that pushed Bush into the winning column for 2004. And similarly, in 2000, Florida Evangelicals pushed through for a Bush victory.

Now, I still don't understand why McCain was in Mexico and Canada this past week trumpeting Nafta as a great thing. That was a bad move on his part. Ohio voters Hate Nafta. Michigan voters (another swing State) Hate Nafta.

However, I am glad that McCain is now for drilling for oil here in the USA and in Anwar (a place that for years he was against drilling).

I am very glad that McCain met with Billy Graham and Franklin Graham.

I still disagree with McCain on his Pro-Free Trade, Pro-Outsourcing Jobs, Pro-Globalization, Pro-Global Warming, and soft Illegal Immigration stance.

However, Obama is so much WORSE on all of these issues. During the primary, Obama acted as though he was against Free-Trade and Globalization, but recently he told an Ohio audience that "Globalization is here to stay" , backing away from a Pro-Nationalistic, Anti-Free Trade, Anti-Globalization stance that he "claimed" to have in the Primary against Hillary.

I wish we had a viable Pro-Nationalistic, Anti-Globalization, Anti-Outsourcing Jobs, Anti-Free-Trade person to vote for. Bob Barr is out there, but I know that he probably won't win.

Obama hates Evangelical Christians, loves radical Muslims, loves the ACLU, loves Abortion, and loves the Gay Mafia.
He has ZERO qualifications to be President.
I will also blog soon about his Mocking of the Bible last week.

I just wish I had a better alternative to vote for other than McCain.

Right now, I am going to vote for Bob Barr or John McCain.

Either one of them are WAY better than Obama.


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