Well, this LONG Presidential election is Finally Over. Thank God. Now I can get on with my Life.
Of course I am disappointed, because disagree with Obama on so many VERY important Social Issues. However, McCain is NOT a Culture warrior, and he is a Big Free Trader(which is killing millions of jobs here in the USA). But, McCain was the lesser of two evils in my mind.
Hopefully Obama won't repeal DOMA (defense of marriage act) passed by Bill Clinton.
Hopefully Obama won't push for the Freedom of Choice Act (this act will get rid of ALL sane-minded abortion restrictions like parental notification, and 24hr waiting periods.
It would mean 24hr, 7day a week ABORTION ON DEMAND with NO RESTRICTIONS AT ALL.
Christians, we need to get on our knees and pray that President Obama has an Apostle Paul experience and really sees the light on Abortion and Homosexuality.
Now is not the time for Evangelical Christians to shrink away from the debate on Abortion and Homosexuality. We MUST Pray more for God to intervene while at the same time pushing for restrictions on abortion and upholding Marriage between One Man and One Woman.
Hopefully Obama will not destroy all those Coal Plants like he promised to do, by enacting severe cap and trade greenhouse gas laws which will effectively Bankrupt these Coal Plants meaning millions of lost jobs.
Now for the good news.
In California, Proposition 8 passed and that means NO MORE GAY MARRIAGE. Marriage is Now defined as One Man and One Woman. Pro-Traditional Marriage ballot measures passed in Arizona and Florida by large margins.
70% of the African Americans in California voted Yes on Prop. 8 even though 95% of them voted for Obama. Thank God for these ballot measures and all the hard work involved with getting this to Win.
I am saddened that South Dakota and Colorado lost their Abortion ballot measures.
Don't people understand that LITTLE BABIES in the WOMB are the MOST VULNERABLE and thereby need the MOST PROTECTION??? I just don't get it.
What about the Baby's Choice, Huh??
This is why we must continue to Pray that God will open people's eyes and change their hearts from a heart of stone to a heart of love for little babies.
Pray America, Pray.
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