Karate for Kids

Friday, October 24, 2008

Biden says, Expect a 9-11 attack if Obama becomes President

That's right, Joe Biden says, "Expect a 9-11 type attack when Obama becomes President".

That's comforting, right?

Say it ain't so Joe once again.

Here it is:

All I can say is, "Thanks for the warning Joe".

The question you have to ask yourselves is; Do we want to INVITE another 9-11 terrorist attack on the USA?

I say a resounding NO.

Joe Biden is essentially saying, "Come on, Osama Bin Laden, let's see what you got.

Let me remind all voters; the PRIMARY job of the President is to KEEP US SAFE, not invite a terrorist attack, like 9-11.

So if you want another 9-11 terrorist type attack, then vote for Barack Hussein Obama.


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