Karate for Kids

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Christian Radio, Conservative Talk Radio may be SHUT DOWN under Obama

In August 1987, the FCC abolished the "Fairness doctrine" by a 4-0 vote, in the Syracuse Peace Council decision, which was upheld by the Appeals Court for the D.C. Circuit in February 1989

However, if Obama is elected President, he will re-enact the "fairness doctrine".

This sounds nice, right? WRONG

The fairness doctrine MANDATES that if you are verbalizing one point of view on your radio station, that you MUST put people on the station with opposing views.

So for example, if a Christian radio station was talking about how Jesus is the way to Heaven, under the so-called fairness doctrine, that Christian radio station would be REQUIRED to put, say, a Muslim point of view on the station, in order to, you know, "be fair".

Since most Christian radio stations wouldn't do that, guess what, THEY WOULD BE SHUT DOWN.

Imagine, Godly Christian radio being SHUT DOWN in the USA!

With a Democratic majority this "fairness doctrine" would sail through Congress and the Senate and become the LAW OF THE LAND.

The same thing for Conservative talk radio would happen as well. They would be FORCED to put a Liberal on the Station.

Understand this. Right now Conservative talk radio helps to balance out the overwhelming Liberal media which is pervasive all over TV, from newscasts to Hollywood.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is not "fair" at all.

This is anti-free speech.

This is Communism. This is Totalitarianism. This is DEAD WRONG.


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