McCain is losing ground to Obama based on all the polls. McCain was up in Florida. Now he is even. McCain was up in Ohio. Now he is even.
Here is my advise for John McCain.
Intensify the fight against the Fascist Barack Hussein Obama.
Run continual negative ads in key states like Ohio, Michigan, Florida, Virginia, Colorado, Nevada, Minnesota, Iowa, Pennsylvania, New Mexico.
Run ads that remind voters of why they are scared of Barack Hussein Obama. Say that name in the ad. Over and over again, remind people of what his full name is.
Why? Because Barack Hussein Obama has a Muslim past. He was raised in Indonesia (Muslim country). He spent much time in a madrass (Muslim school).
Even last month when Stephanopoulos was interviewing him, Obama made the "mistake" and said, "my MUSLIM religion".
Next, remind voters about how Obama wants to squash free speech. That's right, Obama wants expanded hate speech laws. What that means is that anything you say that HE disagrees with, is considered "hate speech".
For example, if Obama becomes President, if a pastor speaks out against homosexuality, that would be considered "hate speech", punishable by prison time.
Make no mistake about it. Barack Hussein Obama will squash free speech on the radio as well.
He wants to pass the so-called "fairness act" in radio. What that means is that if you are a Conservative talk show host on the radio, the "fairness" act would shut you down unless you gave a Liberal the same amount of radio time. Or worse than that, if you are a religious broadcasting station, like Moody Bible Institute, Obama's "fairness act" would effectively shut them down because they don't equal time to say the Muslim point of view.
Also, McCain needs to remind people over and over again how Obama is for Infanticide.
Plus, remind voters over and over again how Obama is for Homosexuality/Sex education being Forced on your K-3rd graders.
Show an ad with Obama having a beer and pizza with terrorist leaders, since Obama wants to talk to terrorist leaders with NO pre-conditions. Then show a split screen of 9/11.
Bottom line is this. McCain needs to run negative ads often.
Negative ads work.
Also, McCain needs to come out with a new populist message with specific policies that the average Joe six-pack came sink his teeth into.
For example, how about a $5000 tax credit for each child. How about talking about the specific jobs that would become available because McCain is for expanding Nuclear Power plants, Coal, and Natural Gas plants.
How about this. Calling for a freeze on College tuition for 10yrs. to let incomes catch up, then only letting them increase tuition by the inflation rate.
How about coming out with a bail out package for the unemployed worker and person in foreclosure and the main street businesses.
Say no to a blank check for Hank Paulson and Wall st.
How about starting to promote American jobs. For example, the first customer service rep you talk to MUST be from America, instead of India. Punish companies with tariffs for shipping jobs overseas.
Make the corporate tax rate 0 for companies that provide manufacturing jobs here in America on items that are not currently made here anymore like clothes, toys.
How about an aggressive Infrastructure jobs program like the one FDR had to get Americans back to work.
McCain needs to get off the same tired old "pork barrel spending" and "earmarks" line.
My wife doesn't even know what an earmark is. And so don't most Voters.
Start this now McCain or Lose.
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