Karate for Kids

Monday, December 24, 2007

I say MERRY CHRISTMAS to all, even Secularists.

I just wanted to take the opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Everyone I know, pretty much, celebrates Christmas. You don’t even have to be Christian to celebrate Christmas.
But the important thing is that God was born tomorrow, 2,007 years ago. Stop for a moment and ponder that. God, in the form of the Son, walked the Earth alongside our ancestors. God died for their sins, and ours. God rose from the dead, transcending death and enabling us to do likewise. The entire miracle of Christianity started tomorrow, in a small manger on the outskirts of Bethlehem, 2,007 years ago. A miracle we fight to uphold the sanctity of to this very day, protecting our freedom to worship God in peace even at the cost of our own lives. A miracle celebrated by all, even though Godless heathen sinners weakly try to replace Christmas with Ramadan or Kwanzaa or Festivus or whatever other blasphemous terminology they invented in their basement to justify their petty evils.
Christians! Stand up for Jesus this Christmas! DO NOT succumb to the anti-God Secular-Progressives by saying "happy holidays". To them I say "Merry Christmas". Even Bill O'Reilly, whom I disagree with on many issues, has joined us in our battles with the secular-progressives who want to tear down God, Jesus, and anything Christian. http://youtube.com/watch?v=tqiOZRpiYkY
So Merry Christmas, Americans. God bless America, and let us all praise Jesus.

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