Karate for Kids

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Romney is NOT a conservative!

Just in case there were any conservative pro-life, anti-gay marriage voters out there considering voting for Mitt Romney following his "moving" speech this past week about his Mormon faith; take a look at the REAL Mitt Romney. Check out http://massresistance.org/romney/
This will provide you with the truth about the real Mitt Romney.
He is NOT Pro-Life.
He is for Gay marriage. (With Mitt Romney as Governor, Massachusetts passed Gay marriage)
He is a big corporate guy. He cares nothing about the "working" man/woman.
He is a globalist, NOT a protectionist. He thinks its great that companies can move their manufacturing plants to China for cheaper labor.

So I IMPLORE all Conservatives out there, DO NOT VOTE FOR ROMNEY!
Vote for Mike Hukabee or Ron Paul



Anonymous said...

Romney is pro-life
He himself did not pass gay marriage
By working with big business he creates jobs
He balanced the budget every year he was in office
He wants to bring jobs to the U.S.

Anonymous said...

Romney is PRO having the government force people to buy healthcare insurance. He has stated it over and over.

He only opposes it when its Obama's plan.