Karate for Kids

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Star athlete's pay vs. Military troops combat pay. And the winner is........

This just plain gets me mad. It is stories like this that makes me want to become a socialist.

While our military troops risk life and limb (literally) for us in Iraq and Afghanistan and other dangerous parts of the world where Muslims want to kill us, I read about their "Combat Pay".

And how much is combat pay for soldiers risking life and limb daily?

A member assigned to or deployed to a combat zone receives "combat pay" (officially called "imminent danger pay") at the rate of $225.00 per month.
WOW, a whole $225.00 per month!
Sounds like we really "appreciate" Ha! Ha!, our troops huh?

All the while as I next read this story:
Tiger woods has an estimated yearly income of about $87,000,000 dollars, ...
That's right, 87 million dollars.
It seems as though something is really outta whack here right?
Where are our priorities when we pay an athlete to hit a ball 87 million and we pay our combat troops some of Tiger's extra pocket change?
I'm not trying to make Tiger feel bad specifically. This outrage goes for ALL high paid athletes and Movie stars as well.
Here is what we should do if we REALLY value our troops:
Starting right now: Combat pay=250K-300K/yr or 21K-25K/month. Non-Combat enlisted pay 80-125K/yr. And once you retire after serving your 4yrs, you should get paid a minimum 50K/yr.(increase 5%/yr) for LIFE + College tuition paid + 200K lump sum for a new home and free health care for LIFE.
This would end any troop shortage and encourage a lot of new enlistees.
Plus, as stated earlier in my blog, we should increase the taxes on the ultra wealthy like Tiger Woods.

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