Karate for Kids

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Hukabee Wins, Establishment Loses

Hukabee wins Iowa! This is great news. All the "Establishment Rich-Guy" republicans are scratching their heads wondering how it happened. It happened because of you the ordinary, middle class, social conservative voter who did not let the greedy, fat-cat wing of the party squash you. You know what I'm talking about. The Wall Street, wealthy republicans who act like they care about Life and Traditional Marriage, but really only care about getting richer than they already are. Enough is enough! Social conservatives who really care about the unborn are not going to sit by and let the Giuliani's and Romney's win. We know that if that happens then we (social conservatives) will have no plate at the table and will continue to be taken for granted.
I am tired of "so-called" conservatives, "neo-conservatives" giving lip service on the Pro-Life and Traditional Marriage issues, while then turning around and doing nothing.

Also, the populist message hit home too. Middle class people are tired of having factory after factory close up and go to China, while the CEO gets a Fat Bonus$$.
Middle class people are tired of not being able to afford health insurance or not being able to afford college as tuition skyrockets out of control.
I thought that John Edwards gave a good speech tonight, however I can't and won't vote for anybody that is Pro-Abortion and Anti-traditional Marriage. Same thing for Obama.

One of the reasons that I like Hukabee is because he speaks to the blue-collar, middle class conservative that is Pro-Life, Pro-Traditional Marriage, Pro-Gun, but also Pro-middle class, and he (Hukabee) is not in the back pocket of Wall Street (as Romney, Giuliani and McCain are).
This is what I consider a Conservative Populist message. It is a winning message.

Go Mike, Continue to baffle the Establishment.


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