Karate for Kids

Monday, January 28, 2008

Man Rotting in Federal Prison for Crime He DID NOT Commit. Help Right this Injustice

On Focus on the Family tonight, I heard this man's case.
Monday, January 28, 2008
William Kennedy has missed a lot of things over the past 14 years - graduations, weddings and even the birth of his grandchildren. That's because Kennedy is currently serving a 20 year sentence for an organized crime he didn't commit. Dr. James Dobson, along with a number of prominent Christian and political leaders, has worked hard to get Kennedy a pardon or a commutation, but to no avail. Dr. Dobson presents a 2001 interview during which Kennedy describes the poignant spiritual lessons he's learned while incarcerated. Dr. Dobson gives an update on Kennedy's case and tells what listeners can do to help get Kennedy released."I now hold dear the things I took for granted ... the opportunity to have dinner with my family, the [normal] things we just do everyday ... Now, because I miss those, when I have that day to be free ... they'll never be just an event; they'll be special to me." - William Kennedy

William Kennedy is the former owner of Western Monetary Consultants, a company that sold precious metals such as gold, silver and platinum. He is currently serving a 20 year sentence in a federal prison in Texas after being convicted of racketeering and mail fraud – crimes which he did not commit. He and his wife, Debbie, have three children and four grandchildren.

Here is what you can do to help: Click http://www.justiceforkennedy.com/

This is what happens when Congress and the President make knee-jerk reactions to terror bombings. They write up laws that take away our Constitutional Rights.
Click http://www.justiceforkennedy.com/index.cfm?content=aedpa

Dear friends, I hope and pray that this kind of miscarriage of justice does not happen to you.
Take action today. Call your Senator. Call you Congressman.
Most importantly, Call the White House.
Here are some important people to contact regarding Clemency.
Click http://listen.family.org/images/KennedyClemencyContactNumbers.pdf



Anonymous said...

Kennedy's story needs to be rewritten, without interjecting the writer's opinion. The story needs to be told in an organized manner with facts, dates, charges, convictions, or witness testimony. Readers can be a willing audience to help, but they need the facts before you ask them to call or write the White House.

Anonymous said...

Kennedy's story needs to be rewritten matter-of-factly, and excluding the writer's opinion. Readers can be a willing audience to help, but want the facts before being asked to call or write the White House. Hire a good writer who can present the story both in print and on the web.

Jimbo said...

This is a Blog. I give my opinion, Yes. So what?
I gave a brief overview of the facts on this case on my blog. I then give you direct links to more detailed information. I think its pretty clear here that Kennedy deserves to go home ASAP. He has already served 14 of 20 years for basically a business mistake. Why not make Kennedy pay $$compensation for the people that felt like they lost money with his company. Putting him in jail for 20yrs (more than some 2nd degree murderers) is WAY TOO HARSH a sentence no matter what. Plus there was a clear breech of attorney-client privilege from an overzealous Federal Prosecutor. Also this Prosecutor did something BRUTALLY UNETHICAL by putting pressure on one of Kennedy's law team who was defending his case to "give up" evidence on Kennedy. This is a Horrible miscarriage of justice here. Did you even read my blog or follow the links??

Anonymous said...

Here's the real facts of the case:
I worked at Western Monetary Consultants in the early 80's. We were driven by Kennedy to sell sell sell, regardless of whether metals were going up or down.
Then we had to constantly make excuses to our clients why they were waiting weeks or months for their metals or coins to be delivered.
Kennedy was using the money for his political aspirations.
His heart may have been in the right place, but his actions we're reckless and illegal.
Coming from one who knew him and his business practices first hand, Kennedy is right where he belongs.

Jimbo said...

Ok so he was a little aggressive. But still 20yrs. Come on now. This is WAY too hard of a punishment for this kind of white collar crime. Just make him pay back the people who felt cheated double their money and everyone involved will be satisfied. But 20yrs. is a RIDICULOUS SENTENCE. IT IS CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT.
No wonder States can't pay all their bills, way too many people in jail costing taxpayers millions.

Unknown said...

Hopefully more THINKING Americans will wake up and realize the BILLIONS of tax dollars the government is wasting on incarcerating people like Kennedy. My brother is serving 25 years for not appearing before a federal judge. Most people don't know there is no parole in federal prisons. Wake up America - your son, your brother or you could be next!

Jimbo said...

Well state Sandy. That's right America, Billions being wasted incarcerating non-violent people. I have no problem with making non-violent persons pay for their crime, but just not in jail. How about community service, or $$ restitution of some kind. This is not a liberal policy, just a smart one.

Susie Q said...

Hey Anonymous, I worked for Kennedy in the early 80s too here in CO...please contact me

Susie Q said...

Jimbo, the link is broken and I'd ben interested in reading it as I worked for Bill years ago at WMC.

Anonymous said...

Genial brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you on your information.