Karate for Kids

Thursday, January 17, 2008

What could happen to Parents IF Hillary gets elected President

Government officials determined to stamp out "parallel societies" have in the past ordered police to take children from their homes to school and have placed a teenager involuntarily in psychiatric care for being homeschooled. Now they are fining a German husband and wife $6,300 for refusing to require their children to attend public schools.
The "now infamous" court case "Konrad v. Germany" in which the European Court of Human Rights essentially said that parental rights to raise their children must take second place to the government's objections to homeschooling, "has clearly demonstrated that German homeschoolers have no hope of relief from their courts,"
This is happening right now in Germany.
According to Hillary, "It takes a village to raise a child". Let me translate this for you.
IF Hillary has her way, Parents would NOT be allowed to Homeschool their kids since remember, "It takes a village (i.e. NOT just Parents) to raise a child".
She wants (along with Edwards) universal pre-school. Translated, that means YOU Parents need to place your kids in our government controlled schools (starting at age 4) so we can "educate" them on the "wonderfulness" of "alternate lifestyles.
Understand this clear point, Hillary thinks you the Parents are too DUMB to raise your kids alone without the help of Government.
Check this out too:
SWAT Raids Home Over Parent’s Healthcare Decision
“The sheriff said the decision to use SWAT team force was justified because the father was a “self-proclaimed constitutionalist” and had made threats and “comments” over the years.”Reason number 3599 to be afraid of Hillarycare. Obey the Hildebeast and her minions or we’ll lock you up.
clipped from wnd.com (http://www.worldnetdaily.com/)
The boy’s parents and siblings were thrown to the floor at gunpoint and the parents were handcuffed in the weekend assault, and the boy’s father told WND it was all because a paramedic was upset the family preferred to care for their son themselves.
Tom Shiflett, who has 10 children including six still at home, and served with paramedics in Vietnam, was monitoring his son’s condition himself.
The accident happened during horseplay, Tom Shiflett told WND.
There were no broken bones, no dilated eyes, or any other noticeable problems.
The family, whose members live by faith and homeschool, decided not to call an ambulance. But a neighbor did call Westcare Ambulance, and paramedics responded to the home, asking to see and evaluate the boy.
The paramedics were allowed to see the boy, and found no significant impairment, but wanted to take him to the hospital for an evaluation anyway. Fearing the hospital’s bills, the family refused to allow that.
These events will MULIPLY with Hillary at the helm.

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