Karate for Kids

Friday, January 11, 2008


The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers on Thursday endorsed Mike Hukabee. That's right, they endorsed a Republican. They also endorsed Clinton too; a dual endorsement. Also, the 170,000-member International Painters Union endorsed Huckabee. This is the first time the union has endorsed a GOP candidate in more than 100 years.
This shows me that the only Republican that can bring back the Reagan democrats is Mike Hukabee. These unions know that the other Republicans care only about the rich, and corporations. Hukabee has continued his economic populist message despite those conservative talk show hosts criticizing and making fun of him (i.e. Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Hewitt, Ingram). To that I say, GO MIKE! In my opinion, he needs to hit that message even louder.

The economic populist message is a winning message. Working class people have seen their wages stagnant, while their gas bill and college bills have skyrocketed. The unemployment rate in Michigan is 7.5%. Its the ECONOMY STUPID.

Last night in the debate, Fred Thompson couldn't stop bashing Hukabee every step of the way. He pretty much called him a Liberal Democrat. This is Thompson's last ditch effort to save his campaign. He is a johnny come lately to the table and now that his campaign is dying, he is trying to revive it with a "last stance" in South Carolina. He obviously feels that his biggest competition is Hukabee. There also have been some 527 ads running in S. Carolina too bashing Hukabee on his pardons. Probably funded by Thompson. I actually like the fact that Hukabee pardoned 1000 people. It shows that he is compassionate and can forgive. Many conservatives don't know how to forgive. Jesus commands us to forgive as we have been forgiven. Obviously Hukabee (or anyone else for that matter) cannot for tell what these people whom he pardoned will do in the future. I'm sure that he looked extensively at all the reasons for the pardons and made the decision to pardon based on overwhelming evidence.

Also in the debate, I have to give props to Romney for having the best answer to the Economy question. He said that he would fight for every job and would not concede any job from leaving the country. McCain the idiot free trader sneered at this and gave an ambivalent and non-caring attitude towards those outsourced jobs by saying, "Be realistic, those jobs are never coming back". That kind of attitude is exactly what we don't need. Romney seems willing to "fight" for those American manufacturing jobs. I believe Hukabee is too. Although Romney had a better answer in the debate. I know that I have criticized Romney in my past blogs, but if he were the nominee, I would hold my nose and vote for him in November.
However, it is not November now.
Now is the time we should be backing Hukabee. He is the most socially conservative candidate running. He is not just giving lip service to the Pro-Life, Pro-Traditional marriage, Pro-Gun rights issues. Most importantly, if he were President, he would nominate Supreme Court justices like Scalia and Thomas.


DuganS said...

Poor economic analysis. The economy has gained a net 26 million jobs since 1993, and industrial production is at the highest levels by far in history. Most people don't realize that most the factory jobs that have left the US are either due to increased efficiencies or otherwise are in the lowest value add and labor intensive sectors of clothes, shoes, and toys.

Jimbo said...

Poor economic analysis of what exactly?? I was blogging on Hukabee's endorcement by a couple of Unions. I assume you are referencing NAFTA. Since you brought it up, 23 million new jobs since 1993? Where, Mcdonalds, Burger King, Best Buy?? Sure we got some new jobs at minimum wage or slightly higher which replaced good paying 20$/hr + manufacturing jobs. Those good manufacturing jobs left for Mexico at $1.50/hr first and then to China where they can pay workers $.75 cents/hr. NAFTA has been the biggest failure ever.

As a former foreign minister of Mexico once remarked, NAFTA was “an agreement for the rich and powerful in the
United States, Mexico, and Canada, an agreement effectively excluding ordinary people in all three societies.” It should,
therefore, be no surprise that NAFTA rules protect the interests of large corporate investors while undercutting workers’
rights, environmental protections, and democratic accountability. Hence, NAFTA should be seen not as a stand-alone
treaty, but as part of a long-term campaign by the conservative business interests in all three countries to rip up their
respective domestic social contract.
And since you mentioned it, why can't we make toys, shoes, or clothes here? Lord knows the Chinese products are garbage anyway. I believe we can and should manufacture those products here in the USA. We may have to pay an extra dollar or two for a shirt or toy but at least I know that I am employing my neighbor. We are outsourcing our economic future and our security as well.
This needs to stop now.
I encourage you to read Pat Buchanan's book, Where the Right went Wrong.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Hukabee is the best candidate. I'm amazed that the national media give him no time and the internet has few stories about him.

I like the fact that he says the US needs to be energy independent in 10 years.

This is critical!!!