Karate for Kids

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Obama is MORE Experienced than Clinton

On this big New Hampshire victory for Hillary Clinton, she keeps touting herself as the "More Experienced" candidate. She says that she has 35yrs. experience. At the same time she subtly belittles Obama by saying that he is "not ready', and "this isn't just a game", tsk tsk just learn from me".
But here are the facts Hillary: OBAMA HAS MORE EXPERIENCE THAN CLINTON!
That's right, MORE experience. Obama needs to inform voters of this fact.
He has been a US senator for 4 yrs. compared to her 7yrs., BUT she held NO publicly elected office before this. On the other hand, Obama was a State senator for 8yrs, and ran for congress too. Obama needs to INFORM voters of that fact. Don't let Clinton get away with that distortion.
I cannot hide it. I dislike Hillary more than any other candidate out there.
On the Republican side, McCain wins, Romney comes in 2nd and Hukabee 3rd.
I hope that Hukabee will win South Carolina and Michigan too.
Romney is not going away.
Giuliani announced that tonight is the kickoff. Huh?? Giuliani has been M.I.A. since this election started. He is the most Liberal of all the Republicans, so I hope he fades away in the sunset.
In the past, I had told my father and friends that I would not support Romney if he were to get the nomination. But if Clinton gets the Democratic nomination, then I would have to hold my nose and vote for Romney, even though I think he is phony (the thing is Hillary is even phonier).
But until then, I am still going to vote for Hukabee come Feb. 5.


DuganS said...

Although I'm not a Hillary supporter by any stretch, no one should ignore the fact that Hillary was a key advisor to Bill Clinton the President and Governor. She pushed Bill on issues he wasn't sure about and stopped him from moving on issues he otherwise would.

Jimbo said...

Key advisor?? She was a first lady. She was not elected to anything back in the 1990's while Obama was holding office as a State Senator. She might have given Bill some of her opinions, but to call that "experience" is a big stretch. If Obama was smart he would call her out on her "35 year experience" exaggeration.
But just to let you know, I am in no way supporting Obama.