Karate for Kids

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sean Hannity is LYING about Huckabee

Sean Hannity of Fox news has been telling all of his listeners that Gov Mike Huckabee has pulled out of Florida. This is a flat out lie. I was there to see Gov Huckabee today. He will be in South Florida tomorrow and has an extensive schedule in Miami on Friday. If you would like to send Sean Hannity a message send it to him by email at hannity@foxnews.com.
If enough of us contact him and tell him to retract this false story, he may get the message. He is obviously worried that either Giuliani or Romney will lose to Mike. Please be vigilant!!!

This was written by someone on Huckabee's website. He is right. On Hannity's radio show on Wed. night, I heard him say that Huckabee has "pulled out" of Florida. That is a LIE. I called Huckabee's campaign and they confirmed that he is in Florida aggressively campaigning.

This is what Gov. Huckabee is up against. Even so-called conservatives like Sean Hannity are touting lies about him. Hannity is a big RUDY fan. Let me see, Rudy is Pro-Abortion, Pro-Gay marriage, Anti-Gun. Hmmmm, seems conservative to me. NOT.

I can't wait to cast my Huckabee vote now. Don't give up hope on Huckabee.



Anonymous said...

You know, there is a lot I like about Huckabee, but my big issue with him is his support of the so-called "Fair Tax." I think it is anything but fair, and it would wreck the economy. For example, I have to believe that auto sales will be affected when consumer have to pay 30% federal sales tax in addition to the almost 10% Illinois sales tax.

In addition, he is not being honest in the debate over this tax. He needs to at least be honest about the rate, which is 30%, not 23% as he claims. He arrives at his number with a little creative accounting. If you spend a total of a dollar (including tax), 23 cents (or 23%) would be the tax. But the correct way to calculate the rate is to divide 23 cents by the price of the product (77 cents) - which gives you a tax rate of 30%.

Also, he keeps claiming that businesses will absorb the cost of the sales tax because they will no longer have to pay income tax. EVERYBODY WINS!!! Sounds great until you stop to think that income tax is a tax on income, but sales tax is a tax on sales. There is typically a huge difference between a 30% tax on income and a 30% tax on sales.

I have to believe Huckabee understands both of these issues, but you wouldn't know that from listening to him. And if he doesn't understand these basic accounting principles, it still doesn't make me want to vote for him.

Jimbo said...

Larry, I also do not like the Fair tax, but I am STILL supporting Huckabee. The reason is because I know that there is no way the Congress would pass the Fair tax anyway so its a mute point.
Now on EVERY other issue I agree with Huckabee. The MOST important issue is LIFE. If you can't get Life right than how can I possibly vote for a candidate like that for President.
Rudy is Pro-death, Pro-gay marriage. Under Romney's Mass. administration GAY marriage was passed in his state. I have documented this over and over on this blog. Romney is NOT a social conservative. I have on this blog, excerpts of Romney saying he will be more Pro-Choice than anyone. Romney is a Phoney.
Then you have McCain. This guy hasn't seen an outsourced job he didn't like. He is the biggest Free Trader out there. He has NO fresh ideas. The reason the media loves him is because they know he will LOSE to Hillary in November. Think about it: Hillary will be promising everyone Healthcare (which is big for many people, even a lot of Republicans are for universal healthcare), VS. McCain who doesn't even like tax cuts. All McCain has is his one-liner, "We need to get rid of Pork-barrel spending". McCain will LOSE to Hillary or Obama in Nov.
Huckabee can bring together social conservatives and socially conservative democrats who agree with his economic populism message.
There you go. This is why I am still voting for Huckabee.

Anonymous said...


Like I said, there is a lot I like about Huckabee. I am currently undecided because every serious candidate has at least one important issue on which I strongly disagree with their position.

I am not as convinced as you that the "Fair Tax" is dead. But even if I agreed, this would still be an important issue to me.

Huckabee should argue his case on its merits. If the American people then decide it's a great idea, fine. Change the tax code. But I believe Huckabee is deliberately misleading the voters. And a candidate's character and honesty are very important to my voting decision.

Frankly, on that issue, I believe McCain is the only serious Republican candidate with a passing grade. I don't always agree with him, but I do believe he does what he thinks is best for the country.

Jimbo said...

Larry, you think McCain is the "best" on the tax issue. I hardly think so. McCain is the absolute weakest on the economy and taxes. He voted AGAINST the Bush tax cuts. He Hates tax cuts. All he cares about is "pork-barrel spending". I dislike pork barrel spending too but now is the time for tax cuts and tax rebates to stimulate this weak economy. McCain has no fresh ideas at all. At least Romney has some fresh ideas on the economy. Romney had to run an economy as a Govenor. McCain has been in Washington for 24yrs. What legislation has he proposed for the Economy in those 24yrs. Answer. Nothing at All.
Except for Giuliani, McCain would be the WORST of all the Republicans on the Economy.
As for the Fair tax. Let's be honest. It's Dead as a doornail.
Nobody, especially a democratic congress would go for a 30% sales tax, that would hurt the poor the most. Like I already said, this is a mute point and a small issue compared to the BIG issues like Life, Marriage, Religious Freedom-all of which Huckabee is #1 on.

Anonymous said...

No. I meant that McCain is the best on the issue of personal integrity. I believe he would also make the best commander in chief.

On taxes, the economy, executive experience, and global warming, he is very weak.

Hence my dilemma.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jimbo ... I found your blog under the individual state blog listings for Huckabee here. (We are just a few hoots away from you west on 64.)

On the FairTax, I have to jump in a bit and say that we are week-to-weekers and sometimes we do not even make that, and we find the FairTax would NOT hurt the poor. Right now we could really use a refrigerator, bathroom sink, and clothes dryer. But we would not purchase these items new if there was a 1% sales tax OR a 30% sales tax. We don't have the money either way. (And under FairTax, aren't used items tax free?) Yet I'd love to have my husband's check not taxed so we could use the extra money to keep Comcast from periodically shutting our service down. (I'm typing fast to beat the switch.) Not to mention ComEd & Nicor. When you're from the working poor, first things come first! Remember Huckabee turned Arkansas around in a most dramatic way.

Nooooooow, the pro-life issue. Mother Teresa of Calcutta (now blessed) said time and time again, "The Western world will never know peace as long as they continue to allow their mothers to kill their own young." That seems enough for me, yet some very brilliant folks (not heart-smart however) do not see that abortion is hurting America in any way. But the souls of American women who have aborted are sadly tarnished to the point they will not even speak of their heinous act (for decades!) because of the mountainous pain that is involved. The devil has won on three points. Baby is dead. Mother is seriously wounded. Abortion thrives. (It's no wonder you can't get an honest smile out of a stranger you pass in the street. People are in pain.) That a president could be in office that wants abortion eliminated is a huge start, even though some naysayers have said it would be impossible to reverse Roe v. Wade. I'm all for Huck in a big way. We like his more-arts-in-education platform, his anti-gay marriage stance, his ability to look you straight in the eye when he speaks, his obvious-to-me compassion for all peoples from all faiths (or no faith at all!), and on and on. If there is a pro-lifer out there that is not voting for Huckabee, WOE to them.

Did you hear Bobby Schindler is endorsing Huckabee? Bobby of course is enormously pro-life (pray for us Terri!) and he's a very strong Catholic too. You know, I was talking with my husband (Fighting Irish Thomas) last nite and I was thinking how Bobby would make a great (honest, brilliant, compassionate) politician. How 'bout a Huckabee/Schindler ticket? That is to say if Colbert doesn't take the spot. [insert smiley]

P.S. John McCain is somewhat arrogant and definitely too old. Yes, Reagan was old too, but he was in better shape. McCain has had at least two VERY serious bouts with deadly melanoma. (Part of his face is reconstructed on the left hand side.) Not to mention all those years as a POW. There is nothing healthy about that forced lifestyle. I'm certain it took its toll. Why is he not thinking about a wonderful retirement, instead of running the United States of America? (We'll vote for him, but ONLY if we have to.)

P.P.S. I'd like to hear your take on the "whisper" tape of Mitt "The Mormon Money Machine" Romney.

And what a great story about your son Calvin ...

Here's our blogs, ALL for Huckabee.

Domers for Huckabee
Fighting Irish Thomas
Silent Souls for Huckabee

God bless you and your family,
Jeanette (a.k.a. Ms. FIT)

(I apologize for this very long post. We'll add you to our blog list.)

Jimbo said...

To Domers for Huckabee, Fighting Irish Thomas, Silent souls for Huckabee; thank you for commenting on my blog. I am adding you to my blogroll. When you made the statement about those Pro-Lifers who are NOT supporting Huckabee, Woe to them. I wholeheartedly agree with you. Life is the MOST important issue. On the fair tax, the working poor now shouldn't be paying ANY federal income tax now. I consider myself "middle-class (make under 100K/yr) and because of my children's tax credit, home owners tax deduction, and after all my other deductions I pay 0 Federal income tax, legitimately. So a Federal sales tax would mean now I pay a HUGE tax. Working poor under today's system, because of deductions should not be paying any if little Federal Income Tax.

Anonymous said...

Jimbo - Thanks for your return comment. ... But the money we receive on our Income Tax return comes back to us in a bulk amount once a year. However our bills do not come in in that fashion. I DO need to read more about FairTax and I realize it would be hard to implement anyway, but it sounds like a good/interesting idea. We purchase nothing new, so for us, it would work out fine. The "no more messing with your taxes" thing would certainly be welcomed. But like you say, moot point.

Go, Huck, Go! (He had a nice interview on Fox yesterday with Chris Wallace. Did you get to see it?)

Domers for Huckabee

Anonymous said...

"Woe to those pro-lifers who are not voting for Huckabee?" Give me a break. McCain has been consistently pro-life throughout his political career.

On the Fair Tax, I still think you are missing my point. I think it's a bad idea. If a majority of Americans think it's a good one, fine. All I'm asking for is an honest debate, so the voters can make an informed choice.

Jimbo said...

Larry, we AGREE that the Fair Tax is a bad idea. Huckabee has had his say on it. It is simple, whether its 23% or 30%, its still way to high and would KILL the pocketbooks of poor people and the middle class. I can see a 10% national sales tax and getting rid of the Income tax at the same time.

McCain has had a mixed 50/50 record on Pro-Life issues. He is FOR embryonic stem cell research. Read my latest blog about McCains Liberal record. He voted FOR Liberal Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Yes he voted for SOME of the Pro-Life judges and Pro-Life legislation (the little that there has been on the Federal level). But he colluded against Bush on some of the really good conservative judges as well. So like I said, 50/50 record. I'd rather vote for someone in the Primary that is SOLIDLY Pro-Life not 50/50. In the General election if McCain is the Republican Nominee then I'd hold my nose and vote for him over Hillary or Obama.