Karate for Kids

Monday, January 14, 2008

Hukabee ahead in South Carolina

The latest real clear politics poll shows Hukabee ahead in South Carolina
Hukabee-- 26.5
Real Clear Politics does an average of 4 polls. This one is dated from1/04/08-1/13/08.

Don't lose heart now. Vote for Hukabee

I heard a caller call into the Sandy Rios show and he said that he voted absentee today for Hukabee but was wondering if he "wasted" his vote. This kinda thinking bothers me. Its the Primaries. This is your only chance to really vote your conscience. You can vote for the person you REALLY like. When the general election comes, that's when you have to sometimes vote the lesser of 2 evils. For instance, I really liked Pat Buchanan, so I voted for him 3 times in the Primaries. Unfortunately, he never won the nomination, so I wasn't able to vote for him in the general election. I felt that I could not vote for him when he ran as the Reform party candidate in 2000 because I knew that the election between Bush and Gore was going to be razor thin. I did vote for Buchanan in the Primary though.
So don't feel as though you are "wasting" your vote.
Hukabee is the REAL conservative in this race. Plus he cares for the "little guy" too.


Anonymous said...


You voted for Buchanan 3 times in the primaries? Now we know you are from Chicago.

Anonymous said...

Hey there Jimbo, I was wondering what the impact of firing 150,000 IRS employees and putting out of business all of the hundreds of thousands of small businesses that provide tax services. With the USA only creating 43,000 jobs in November of 2007. How can this be a good policy for the little guy?

Jimbo said...

That's right, I voted for Buchanan in 1992,l996, 2000. Not 3 times in the same primary.

Jimbo said...

For the little guy: I just want to go on record to say that I am NOT for the Fair Tax that Hukabee is supporting. Yes, I am supporting Hukabee, but on this issue I don't agree with him.
However, I would be OK with the dissoluion of the IRS. It is a facist organization. It uses gustapo tactics in trying to collect taxes from people at times. Those 150,000 workers can be given buyouts or sent to other government organizations to work.
If we started punishing companies that outsource jobs with high tariffs and imposing high tariffs on our imports, while at the same time providing tax breaks/less regulation for companies that manufacture here in the USA, along with building more oil refineries and nuclear power plants here all over the USA, then we would see more than the small 43,000 jobs being created. Its time we start making things here again, from nuclear power plants to toys. The next President needs to push for major infrastucture spending (that in itself would create thousands of jobs) + massive incentives to start building nuclear power plants/plus other energies in all 50 states.